Chapter Twelve

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*Laura's perspective*

I aimed to run into her Father but it did not work. He stepped out of the way at the last second and grabbed me off of the bike in one quick motion. The bike continued to ride for a second before tipping onto its side. I could now hear Knight shouting for me to move, as well as Joshua shouting the same thing. I also heard another voice from the other direction.

"Francis!" Knight shouted to the man. He was again a few years older than us but he was much larger built than Joshua. I assumed that he was also Knight's brother. 

As if the stars suddenly aligned, everyone kicked into action. I lay frozen in fear on the ground but everything moved around me.

Knight managed to kick her Father quickly before jumping to her feet assisted by Joshua. Francis had ran to us and pushed their Father back, standing between him and us. Francis put one strong arm against his Fathers' chest and held him at arms length.

"If you touch one hair on either of their heads, Father, we will have a problem." Francis shouted at his Father. Their Father moved away, grumbling under his breath, before wandering back into the house with the intention to drink until he fell asleep. Joshua pulled me to my feet.

"I am so sorry, Laura," Knight apologised to me. I stared at her. How could she be treated so cruelly and then apologise to me as if it was entirely her fault.

"You're Laura?" Francis asked. "I'm sorry we couldn't have met under better circumstances,"

"Laura, I am so sorry," Knight apologised again. "I am so, so sorry."

"Knight, it isn't your fau-" I stopped when I saw it. The blood. 

"Knight!" Francis screamed when his baby sister fell to her knees. Joshua took a step back and placed a hand on his chest and stared at her in shock. None of us had seen what the weapon had been, but somehow a broken bottle on the ground hadn't caught our attention until now.

Blood trickled out of her mouth and she stared at me, unblinking. 

"Knight!" I screamed, I tried to help her. I didn't know what to do apart from apply pressure to the wound. Joshua did not move but Francis had already dialled for an ambulance.

"Knight, Knight," I lay next to her, holding her hand. "You showed me your past, your present, what about your future? It'll be amazing, the future will be amazing, just hold on."

I could hear the ambulance in the distance. Francis had made Joshua sit down and he was now pacing back and forth in the middle of the road.

"I am so sorry," Knight repeated, her voice fading away as she went unconscious.

"You'll be okay, you'll be okay," I said, rocking myself slightly, trying not to completely freak out as she needed me right now. 

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