I don't like bases

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I could just make this a short chapter and leave this at just "O don't like bases", but I won't.

I was just thinking about something that happened a long time ago on G+. I used to be very active on there for some reason, and I remember that one time somebody made a drawing and posted it. Someone else said the drawing was bad and they should start using bases instead. The author of the post said okay, so I replied saying that no, they SHOULDN'T use bases. They're lazy, and they don't help you improve at all. Then I said something like "Sorry to sound rude, but it's the truth". The person who had supposedly given the "helpful advice", responded saying that I was being rude. This was nearly two years ago, and I was still a poor sensitive child, so I felt bad for being rude, but now that I think about it, I'm NOT sorry. It's true, bases are lazy and they don't leave any room for improvement. It's somebody else doing 90% of the work. It's fine if you use them just for fun every once in a while I guess, ((considering that you credited the original artist)) but you need to know how to draw on your own as well. I do admit that I used to use bases, but I'm well past that phase. So yeah, there's my opinion on bases. Also, I'm NOT sorry for this rant

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