Awkward/Embarrassing situations

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Here, have some awkward/embarrassing situations I've been in:

1)) I was listening to Say No To This, when I heard my cousin coming. I quickly tried to put the volume down, but I did the exact opposite. The volume went all the way up at "And her body's saying h3ll yes".....

2)) I was attempting to rap Guns and Ships and my parents overheard me

3)) I made eye contact with someone sitting nearby me in class when I looked up from my binder ((I don't know if I've mentioned it before but I HATE making eye contact))

4)) I made it extremely obvious that I liked my crush in third grade ((After I got over him I never had a crush again because I knew that nobody would ever return my feelings.... GOOD JOB FALL, YOU FAILED AT HOPE))

5)) I saw a girl stuffing paper towels into her..... upper part of her shirt... in third grade.... Dude it's third grade, why is this girl trying to make those things look bigger

6)) One of my friends pulled a certain strap... and then it just became a normal thing for her to do

7)) A guy put his arm around me, 'nuff said ((I also hate physical contact with anyone that isn't a trusted friend or family member))

8)) My girl friends talking about girl stuff in front of a guy friend

9)) A guy friend saying a certain girl part

10)) Dancing stupidly on stage when I was 6, after that I vowed never to dance in public again!!! But then the talent show came and I broke that vow because I somehow made it in in 4th grade

11)) People seeing embarrassing drawings

12)) My mom seeing an embarrassing drawing

13)) My life

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