Grand Opening [S1:E4]

Start from the beginning

"I know," he answered. "Now go unlock the front door. Someone just pulled up."

* * *

Friday afternoon at the shop passed with ease and I was grateful. Buddy even allowed me to spend most of the time in the shop with him and Jake since the phones didn't seem to need much attention. I enjoyed it.

I currently stood over Buddy who peered inside the hood of a car while I held a light. He was doing most of the dirty work, which I didn't mind, but I felt the need to break the silence.

"Have you found someone to take my place?" I asked.

"I have a few people to consider," he informed. "Why? Changin' your mind about leavin'?"

I smiled. "Maybe."

His attention stayed on the engine while he spoke. "Sam, no offense, but you're not meant for this job."

My face showed my confusion.

"Now I don't mean you didn't handle this job well, because you did. But you have a lot of potential. More than what this place can offer."

My cheeks heated. "So you're saying I'm too pretty to be in this dirty old shop?"

He laughed. "No, that's not what I'm sayin'. Even though it's kinda true." He stood straight. "I'm sayin' you're a people person. You're out there. Young and fun. And this new job is really gonna make you happy."

"You know I'm still gonna come around and bother you and Jake, right?" I joked.

"Well, you better!" Buddy wiped his hands. "Cause if you don't, I know where you work."

I just laughed.

He patted my back. "And if that Andy guy ever gives you any trouble, let me know."

"You gonna wreck his car too?"

"I'll do a lot worse than car chalk, I can tell you that!"

He closed the hood to the car and just looked at me. I knew my shift was coming to an end, and the bitter-sweet moment of leaving Buddy's filled my stomach. Wow, who would've known I'd find a sense of family here in this auto-shop?

Buddy moved forward and draped his heavy arm over my shoulders. "And you know you can always come back if you need."

"Thanks Buddy," I answered while trying my best not to cry.

"Now, go get ready for your first shift at Jinx," he ordered. "It's gonna be a long night."

I said my goodbyes, even to Jake, and parted from Buddy's Auto Shop for the last time. Even when I was sad there was no doubt I was successfully closing another chapter to my life. Jinx would start a whole new adventure and I was ready. Or so I thought.

I wouldn't know until tonight.

* * *

"Alright," Danna announced. "This weekend is extremely important to the success of this bar." She paused. "So smile. Make kick-ass drinks. And last but not least, have fun. I have faith in you guys."

Over the course of Friday, Saturday and Sunday Danna would supervise the bar, but do her best not to interfere. She would mingle around and talk to the customers while we ran the bar on our own the best we could. This weekend would determine whether or not Jas and I could handle the bar without her in the near future.

Jas nudged me. "Excited?"

"Yeah. A little nervous, but more excited than nervous," I admitted.

"I think we'll be busy," she said. "I know that a lot of people at Mizzou have been dying for a local LGBT bar."

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