CH I 16

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“If you love her” It replayed over and over again. Love, she wants to know I love her…..she doesn’t have anymore family…..I’m her family….family loves one another..

Wolf seemed to take over, springing our legs off the ground.

    “FADE” Screaming her name, letting it drag out. Her body stops. Standing a few feet from her, she doesn’t turn around.

    “Leave me alone Alpha” Her words crack a little, she’s crying…

    “Fade I…I …I LOVE YOU!” The sound of her breath catching. Turning around her eyes are full of water, holding onto her lip with beautiful white teeth.

    “Your only saying that cause I’m a wolf now. You never loved me as a human” Shaking her head, which throws a few tears to the ground.

    “No, I love you” taking another step to her.

    “THEN WHY DID YOU SLEEP WITH THAT BIMBO?” Growling as she points a finger at me. She doesn’t give me a chance to answer as she continues her assault.

    “You knew we were mates, you were suppose to only want me. I was suppose to be your everything, that’s what wolves do DON’T THEY. THEY CHERRISH THEIR MATES THE MOST.”

Her stunning words, remind me she’s completely right. In wolf law mates are the most loved thing, and are offended spoiled. Females are the caretakers and calm the males, while the males bow to their females every whim. They are loved above all things, and anyone. Once you find your mate, they become literally the center of your world. Father had told me this many times, reminding me that my mate would both destroy and build me up.

    She would create a whole new world for me. Her words would mean everything to me, and even when we disagreed she would hold points that I needed to think about. This was probably the reason mother died trying avenge fathers death. To her living wasn’t worth it without him. I can see where she’s coming from….now.

    By this point she was balling her eyes out, and shaking with anger. Wolf cried, begging me.

~Comfort mate, make Mate happy again. I don’t want to see her sad, help mate.~

Stepping to her, she pushes me away.

    “NO” Pointing her delicate finger at me. Glaring daggers, and wiping her eyes with her other arm.

    “Fade!” Trying again, arms open for just her….no one else.

    “No, you just stay away….your horrible. You can’t even tell me one simple word.” Holding up her finger. Shaking more she sucks in a little air. Her lips are glossy, making me want to touch.

    “What can I say to you? Tell me, I’ll say and do anything” Inching closer to her. Sniffling she clears her eyes.

    “Beg me” Is all I get.

Beg her, what the hell have I been doing for the last twenty minutes. I could of sworn I had just got done crawling on the ground like an earthworm, begging her to take me.

    “Beg you?” As if there is some hidden meaning.

    “Yes, beg me” Her face clear now, sounds start flooding out of the trees and wolves appear all over the place. She’s called all the wolves, even their mates are here. She wants me to beg her in front of everyone. Does she even know what she’s asking of me. This isn’t like some game, I have worked so hard to show my pack I am a strong leader. Here she wants to rip down all my hard work, because of her jealousy towards another female. Frowning at her, she shakes her head at me.

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