CH I 9

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I’ve always though I was a calm person by nature. But he had me all twisted up inside, and I didn’t like it not one bit. Letting my head drop, it wasn’t because I didn’t want to stair him down. It was more because I was feeling the overwhelming urge to punch his smug sexy looking face.
    Turning around, fists clenched. Stepping away his hand grabbed mine. Snapping it out of his grasp, spinning on my boots.

    “DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH ME.” Barring my teeth at his face. I didn’t wait, power walking away from him and back to the house. Slamming the back door open, passing a few males. Destiny was sitting on the couch with Drake when I passed them.
    “Fade?” Quickly jumping up and coming to me.

    “I hate him” Seething mad. Her face gasped, as she calmed and nodded. Taking my hand and pulling me into her room. Drake didn’t even fight her, as she told him she would see him later.
    “You can stay in my room, till you cool off” Closing the door quietly.
    “He’s a moron.” Pacing back and forth. She didn’t disagree, just let me rant on.
    “Who does he think he is?”  not really expecting an answer. Biting my fingernails, I was about to scream when the door flew open. Blocking from frame to frame, Thorin glared at me. Destiny was about to stop him, when he pushed through her.

    “YOU!” Pointing at me. Flinging my body over his shoulder, only to storm out of the room. Punching his back, I kicked around. It did nothing, except tire me out.
    “Put me down your big bully” Opening his door, he slammed it closed using his foot. Dropping me a little harder then he should of on the bed.

    “What’s your pro…” He roared in my face.
    “STOP TALKING!” Pushing away from him. Displaying just how mad he really was. Shaking his eyes were pitch black, glaring at me with rage. He stood at the edge of the bed, as I sat with my arms holding me up. It felt like forever, not moving a muscle. The words he spoke were dark and full of anger.

    “You will learn to respect me, even if I have to beat it into you” Pointing a deadly finger at me. Shaking my head, as if the words he just spoke were made up by my own brain. Grabbing me he pulled my weaker body over to a draw. Almost ripping it out of the dresser, he slipped a leather neck strap around my neck. The heavy chain hanging off it, making my neck feel like it would give at any second. Trying to fight him, as he clipped the last hook. Sharply tugging on the chain.   
    “Not so smart mouthed now…are we” Grinning in my face. My throat tightened and sadly its wasn’t because of the collar. Letting my mouth get the better of me, I couldn’t stop the poison that spilled out.

    “Go fuck yourself” Pulling back. It was a shock when he snapped the chain and it spun my body onto the bed. Caging me in, he kept roaring in my face. At least on the bed, it was soft.
    “Disrespectful woman, I should..” I snapped at him.   
    “WHAT KILL ME, GO FOR IT!” Glaring daggers at his skull. Shock flashed before he tamed it.
    “You’ll obey me, or dye by your own stubbornness” His smug look at thinking he had me, was short lived.

    “Don’t hold your breath” Scoffing at him. Being a military brat, taught me one thing. Never show fear, never give your enemy the upper hand. Cause they’ll use it for all its worth. I decided right then and there, I was going to ignore him completely. Turning my eyes away, I looked at the lamp shade as if it was so much more stunning then him. The chain shook, ignoring it he growled. He was catching on, knowing I was paying him no more attention.

    “Look at me?” Pushing harder on the bed. No answer, and no movement came from me. Grabbing my face, he pulled it to him. Closing my eyes, he screamed out. Frustrated with my decision, to still disobey him. Jumping off my body, I heard a clipping sound before the bedroom door slammed shut. Sitting up my eyes opened to see he had hooked the chain to the bed post. Sighing I tugged at the collar. Stupid werewolf. Getting up, I checked to see how far I would be able to get. I could use the bathroom, but the door had to stay open. I didn’t like that, one bit. The small desk in the corner, was completely out of reach. It was probably where the key was.
    The door opened and Destiny walked in, her eyes following the chain then back to me. Closing the door.

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