CH I 8

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~Thorin’s POV~

The tantalizing smell of hers was fading, and it made me jump. Looking around, she was gone. Part of me felt hurt, angry and worry. Her wounds were deep, and with her being a human she shouldn’t be moving around this soon. Pulling on the jeans I had left on the floor. Leaving the room, her smell was faint but there never the less. Walking into the main hall, Vince was watching the credit to a movie, with his men.

    “Morning Alpha” Turning to see me.
    “Morning” Grumbling, he wasn’t who I wanted to see.
    “Looking for Fade?” That caught my attention. He’d seen her, before me. Growling at that thought.
    “Your sister has her” Grinning, and complexly ignoring my growl. Turning around, heading to Destiny’s room. Without knocking I pushed my way into her room. Destiny was sitting on her bed, looking over her nails.
    “Where is she?” Holding back my snarls.
    “Oh good your up.”

    “Destiny?” Grinding my teeth.
    “Relax, she’s in the bathroom” Chuckling. The sound of a knob turning had us looking at the bathroom. Stepping out was a stunning woman, dressed in dark cargos and a tight teal top. Her lips sparkled along with her eyes. Hair brushed her cheeks, making me want to run my fingers through it. Those stunning eyes locked to mine. Swallowing, her pretty smile graced her already beautiful face.
    “Hello Alpha” Taking a dangerous step forward. Wolf was jumping out of his skin, to get to her.

~She’s stunning~ Chirping over and over again.

Shaking the feeling of want, I looked back at Destiny.
    “See to it she’s fed” Turning around.
    “That’s it, your not going to tell her she looks good?” Destiny barked, pushing off the bed. My blood ran cold, as I caught Fade’s face looking nervous.
    “She’s fine” Stepping out of the room, closing the door behind me. Taking in a full set of air, only to let it out my nose.

~Why’d you leave?~
~I can’t be bothered with her~
~Then why’d you go scouting for her?~
~Shut up~ Tuning him out.

Had I been less afraid to show some emotion, I would of told her she was more then stunning. That there wasn’t a word that suited her. Rubbing my face gingerly I walked away.

~Fade’s POV~

When he stepped out, I kept quiet. I had already known what he would say. Somehow not getting a complement out of him hurt, and it bothered me to no end. Feeling something for a wolf wasn’t normal. I was a human, nothing more. My kind was trying to fight to stay away from their kind, and here I was falling for one. Stupid rules, if father hadn’t instilled in my brain that wolves were not to messed with, I would of yelled at him. However I had a mind of my own, and he wasn’t going to get to me.

    Messing with an Alpha is not only stupid, but dangerous. Destiny snapped me out of my train of thoughts as she snapped.
    “He’s such a stubborn ass” Laughing at her remark.
    “Its fine, I told you he doesn’t have an interest in me.” Shrugging. Her eyes held a sadness for me, and it pissed me off.

    “Don’t look at me like that.”
    “But he should be all over you.”
    “Destiny I really don’t care. Besides I like my freedom.” Picking up my weapon. Sighing she didn’t argue with me.
    “Come on lets get you some food.” Now that I was excited about. Walking with her, we talked about random things. Drake came around a corner and smiled at me.
    “Your still here?”

    “Yes, I wanted to make sure you were well”
    “I am, thanks” Running a hand through my hair. It felt like silk.
    “ Mate” Destiny whispered looking at Drake.
    “Huh?” Turning to her, as those eyes turned darker.
    “Wow really?” Drake blushed, looking her up and down.
    “No way” Turning sideways as Destiny became nervous under his gaze. Moving close to Drake I nudged him.

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