CH I 10

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Watching the pack, they seem calm some walking with their human mates. Destiny comes into view, holding hands with the human male Fade brought…think his name was Drake. I watch as he makes her blush and kisses her cheek. Being happy for my sister, she’s always wanted her mate. She looks happy, it had taken a huge toll on her when our parents were killed. Being the rock she was, she had helped me run the pack.

    A light knock, before Cassy walks in. Smiling the way she always does, when she wants something. Cassy lost her mate, and being from a small family she hadn’t anywhere to go. I had thought she’d find a new wolf, to mate to. But her greedy human nature took over, and she’s been my main lay for the last few months. I’d never mark her, she’s not my type….unlike….. Shaking my head.

    “Hello Alpha” Walking to me, her hand touches my arm. Wolf growls, he doesn’t want her. Before finding Fade, he would just go away while I got my release.
    “What do you want Cassy?” Knowing all to well what she wanted. She tried to come off sexy, but it just looked wrong.
    “I thought maybe, you know” Playing with the hem of my pants. Turning away from the window, I looked at her. She was doing very little to get me aroused. Grabbing her shirt, pushing her down on my desk. Pushing my free hand up her skirt. Moaning in my ear, kissing my neck and licking me.

~Fade’s Pov~

I walked out of the bathroom, grabbing a small chair and placing it in front of a window. Pushing it open, I lit a smoke. Halfway threw the bedroom door opened, and he strolled in like some kind of king. His eyes locked on mine, before stopping at the last post. Brining the smoke to my lips, I took a longer drag. Blowing it out the window, my eyes caught the deep red on his neck. His pants were pulled to one side.

    Tightness pulled at my heart, as I knew he just fucked some slut. Looking back at him, I kept my face blank. Not wanting him to know, I looked back out the window. Turning away from me, he closed the bathroom door. The shower turned on, and I mental huffed.

There isn’t enough soap in the world to clear your conscience now.

Finishing the last part, I tossed it into the yard. Lighting another one. I was feeling a double was needed for this special occasion. With the water turning off, I heard shuffling. Stepping out he held the large towel in place. I could feel him looking at me, but I didn’t return it. His low growl at me not paying him any attention, made me smirk…at least on the inside.
    What’s wrong Alpha. Mad cause now I wont acknowledge your very existence?

A draw opened and I blushed hearing the towel hit the bed. Keeping my eyes at the woods, I listened like my hearing had just evolved like a damn hawks. He made it pretty easy, a lot of stomping like a child. The chain rattled, and I was jolted out of my seat. Glaring at him, I held the cigarette. Taking it from me, he flicked it out the window before closing it.
    I would of verbally ripped him apart, had I not promised myself never to speak to him again. Making myself believe my voice was worth something, I kept it to myself. He towered over me, but again I didn’t say or look at him. His hand grabbed my face, making me look up. Instead of closing my eyes, I looked past him. He noticed and frowned. Pulling me closer to his naked chest. My body heat spiked, but I didn’t show.

    “What have no insults left?” He was baiting me, and I knew that. Pulling my head away from his hold, looking at the carpet. When I did give him anything he again flung me on the bed. Pushing his hands next to my head, making his face to close.
    “Say something?” Growling, I could feel something tight over my body, telling it to listen. Father had mentioned something like power that could be used to make you do things. I fought it, and was about to push it aside, when I thought it would do him some good to hear what I had to say. My head turned looking him straight on.
    “Hope you enjoyed yourself” Holding his shocked gaze before, looking away again.

~Thorin’s POV~

Needing a shower, I opt to kill two birds with one stone. Seeing her would make wolf happy. Opening the door, she sat quietly with a cigarette pressed between her lips. They looked good enough to eat, as the cigarette’s cherry burned. Blowing out the intake, she looked at me. Trailing her eyes over my body, feeling thrilled to have her eyes on me. A flash of hurt halted that, as she looked back at me; only to show no more emotion.

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