CH I 2

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“Well we are planning on such a thing, however not before we get a little something for our selves.” Chuckling, his teeth were a yellow tint. Must be a lifer as for as cigarette are concerned. His brother was still silent, but had a very creepy feel about him. Stepping forward, the larger of the two came at me. Punching out in no particular manor. This was the skills of most men these days, without training they were more like wild pigs.

    Blocking his punch, only to send one my way. He took me by surprise when he caught it, and pulled me to the ground. Sitting over my stomach, as his face got close to mine. His breath smelling of fowl death and left over tobacco.
    “I’m going to enjoy this” Licking my cheek.

Oh that’s just nasty, and I just had a bath too. Grabbing my breath through the tee, feeling me up. So glad I didn’t eat yet. Having a hard time getting to my lower half, while he sat on me. His brother tapped him on the shoulder.
    “What?” Glaring at him. The brother just pointed, down stream. Looking up a pack of wolves making its way to us.

Ohh just perfect, this couldn’t get any better.

    “Get off me, you dick head” Pushing my hips upward, knocking him off. Getting to my feet, the wolves already feet from us. A few were in human form, and looking like a damn buffet.
    “What’s going on here?” Growling at us. His eyes hit me, and a smile formed. My arm was forcefully grabbed as the smelly bastard, held me.
    “We want to trade” Glaring at the wolf. The one who spoke, which I’m guessing is in charge, growled at him.

    “For what?” It doesn’t make any sense to me, wolves could easily kill these two morons in a second. Why give them anything.
    “Food and winter clothes.” His grip tightened, making me want to chew his hand off.
    “Fine” The wolf barked, waving to his men. Pushing me towards the wolves, I hit ones front. Looking up, he didn’t look fazed in the least. Over hearing the wolf in charge, made me want to laugh.

    “Lousy male humans, they’d sell their unborn female child if they could make it another day.” Grinning, I decided they couldn’t be that bad.
    “Hey, your in charge right?” Direction my question to the over sized wolf. His eyes snapped to me, a little shook that I spoke.
    “Yes” Giving me a soft smile.
    “I got a better idea” Stepping away from the wolf who I hit. His eye brow rose, tilting his head at me.

    “I’ll come with you, as peaceful as a sleeping kitten. If” Grinning widely. He folded his arms.
    “If what?” Stepping to the side of him. Pointing to the bastard who tried to have his way with me.
    “If I can have a piece of him” glaring at the man. The wolfs eyes moved down the length of my arm and followed the point. Laughing hardly he turned back.
    “A piece you shall have” Sticking his hand out, for me to do as I pleased.
    “An people say your heartless” Chuckling. His smile widened, at my playfulness.
    “HEY DICK HEAD YOUR ASS IS MINE” The mans eyes widened, seeing me step away from the wolves.

    “Come to dance princess?” Leaving the items with his brother.
    “No but your gunna” Flipping my bow out and pulling two arrows from the quiver. Shooting one at his feet, then another. Making him hope around like an idiot. Charging bringing my body high into the air, only to bring my foot crashing on him. Flipping the bow around, lopping him upside the head. A few

“Ohhhhh” and “Damn” were coming from the pack.

    “Stupid asshole” Leaving his crumpled body on the floor. Walking past his brother, who looked on. I caught sight of an apple and smiled. Grabbing it, cleaning the surface on my shirt. Taking the first bite, made my mouth water. Long time since I’ve apple. Stepping to the wolf, he laughed.
    “Not bad little one” Crunching on my apple, I swallowed a piece.
    “Oh yea, that was nothing.” Shrugging it off. Taking another bite.
    “So where we going now?” turning the apple to get more.

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