
"Zayn, get in here!" Dad shouted and Zayn stumbled in.

"You're going to play hide and seek with your brothers. Now who wants to count first?"

"Me!" Harry said, putting up his hand and jumping up and down.

"Okay, Niall, Zayn go hide somewhere while Harry counts to thirty."

Zayn and I both left after Harry started counting. We both went into the bedroom and I got under the bed while Zayn took the closet.

"Ready or not! Here I come!" I heard Harry shout from the living room.

Now, let's get one thing straight, Harry is absolutely terrible at hide and seek. He doesn't even look in the most cliché places - like where Zayn and I are now.

"Found you NiNi!" He shouted as he pointed at me.

"Okay Hazza, but you've still got to find Zaynie."

He spent ages looking in the room and still couldn't find him. He even left the room and went to check in the bathroom.

"He's not in the bathroom either. I don't know where he could be."

"Do you give up?" I asked, obviously knowing where Zayn is.

"Yes." He sighed.

"Okay, I'll show you where he is."

I took him over to the cupboard and opened the door only to have Harry scream.

Zayn was sleeping - I hope he was sleeping - in the cupboard with sick all over him.

"Niall, what's going on? Harry came in crying to me something about Zayn. He didn't ruin your game did he?" Dad asked coming into the room.

"Niall, I'm talking to you why're you just staring... Oh my god." He said as he saw what I was looking at in the cupboard.

"Louis! Come in here."

Papa came in, apron still on from making lunch and gasped at the sight of Zayn.

"Oh my god! Niall, Harry go into the living room."

Liam's POV

I looked at Louis who just huffed at me.

"He told you this morning he didn't feel well Liam, and you ignored him."

"Well I thought he was jealous of the attention Niall was receiving. Also, you didn't do anything about it did you?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Well - uh - no." He said and put his head down.

"Hey, it's alright. We just need to get him cleaned up." I said going over to him, lifting his head up and leaning down to peck his lips.

I went over to Zayn and lifted him out of the wardrobe. As I did that he began to wake up.

"I'm s-sorry." He cried when he seen my face.

Ohana (Lilo family) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang