Chapter 4: New Home

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As the two walk into the building, and down the hall, Ella picks up a weird vibe about the place. First of all, she finds it weird that no one is around or to be seen.
"Uh, Mr. Trevor, sir?" Ella called out to get his attention.
"Yes, Ella what is it?"
"Um..where is the rest of the kids?"
"Oh, they are in the cafeteria, eating lunch. There aren't many of them here. We used to have more, but thankfully they are with new families now."
"How did they get adopted?" Ella questioned.
"Well usually people call us and ask to meet some kids. And if they really like the kid and the kid likes them, then the kid can go home with them." Mr. Trevor explained.
"Do you think that someone would adopt me one day?"
"Absolutely......Here we are. Ella this is your new room."
The room was decent sized room. It was clearly old and there wasn't much color on the walls or floor. There was a big window on the one wall and there was three beds in the room. Two vacant, which one is soon going to be Ella's, and the third with neatly folded sheets, a pink suitcase under the bed, and a teddy bear on top of the bed. Ella was really happy when she saw that she was going to get a roommate.
"And I hope you don't mind, but you have a roommate. Her name is Rachel and she is 10 just like you and....." Mr Trevor told Ella before he was cut off by her, jumping up and down, full of excitement.
"Yay! I can finally have a friend. Maybe more then a friend, maybe she be like a sister to me!" Ella exclaimed, as she ran over to a bed on the opposite side of the room.
"I will let you get settled in now. Rachel will be back from lunch soon and when she gets back, she will tell you all the rules. Goodbye, Ella." Mr. Trevor concluded as he walked out the door.
"Bye! Thank you!" Ella stated, waving goodbye. Once he left, Ella got to work on putting her stuff away. Only a few minutes later, Rachel walked in.
"Hey! My name is Ella! I am going to be your new roommate!" Ella stated with a big smile.
"Nice to meet you Ella! I'm Rachel. I am guessing Mr. Trevor told you that I was going to let you know about the rules around here."
"Well first things first, Ella. Don't wander around at night. If you have to go to the bathroom, there is one at the end of the hall. Rule two. Always make sure that your stuff is all neat and put away. Rule three....." Rachel continued on with the rest of the rules, but there wasn't many. Mr. Trevor was a kind man and he was pretty easy with rules around here. 
"So any questions?" Rachel asked.
"Yeah. Mr. Trevor said earlier that Ms. Sally passed away. Do you know what happened to her?" Ella asked.
"Yeah i know a little bit about that. I have been here since I was 8 so I got to meet her."
"Was she nice?"
"Totally. She was really nice to everyone. I think that's because she went through the same thing as most of us."
"What do you mean?" Ella questioned.
"Well, Ms. Sally was an orphan, just like us. Her parents died in a crash and she was dropped off at a place like this when she was 6. But the place she went to didn't treat kids that nicely. They were supposed to do these really absurd chores and things like that. And since Ms. Sally knew that kids shouldn't be doing those things, so she ran this place so stuff like that wouldn't happen to more kids."
    "So what happened after that?"
    "She eventually got engaged to Mr. Trevor and that's when things went downhill. She wasn't feeling well one day and as the week progressed so did her illness. Mr. Trevor took her to the hospital and she was diagnosed with cancer. I never saw her again after that. Mr. Trevor broke the news to me and the rest of the kids a few months ago. He also said that he was going to run the orphanage for Ms. Sally."
    There was a few minutes before anyone began to talk.
    "So, Ella, I actually have a question for you. Why do you have a key around your neck?" Rachel questioned.
    "I have had it like that ever since I was 5. It's the key to my old house. It's kind of a long story so if you don't want to hear it I don't....." Ella began to state before she was cut off by Rachel.
    "Oh story time! Rachel exclaimed.
    "Ok then. So the night before my birthday my parents went out..." Ella began to explain. She talked about how she ended up here, about how she had no one else to go to, and how that the only thing linking her to her past is the key around her neck. Once Ella finished talking, Rachel spoke.
    "Ella, I am so sorry you had to go through that. But I am here for you for now on. So you don't have to worry anymore."
    "Thanks Rachel."
    "Come on let me show you around." Rachel said holding out her hand.
    Ella grabbed her hand, and then the two left their room.

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