Chapter 3: Vision

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Ella was fast asleep in the back of the police car, having a delightful dream. It started off in a nice reality, a better reality than the one Ella is in now. She was walking home from school to her real home, the home that her mother and father lived in with her. She walks in the door to the house. No one is there. All the furniture is there. The only noise was the TV, which was showing the recent news statement.


That is what was rolling across the bottom of screen in red. Ella remembered seeing this on the TV a few years back. Once she saw that, she ran up to her room, tears flooding in her eyes, and streaming down her cheeks. Of course, that's when she saw it the first time. She stayed this time, to hear what the rest of the broadcast said. They said they were going to do further tests on the body. Then the news channel zoomed in on the accident. But Ella saw it again. She thinks it was the 'thing' she saw in her grandma's bedroom window. Then the 'thing' was gone.
"Wait!" Ella shouted. She is still in her dream. Soon after she speaks, the TV and everything around her stops.
"Go back!" She commands, and the TV program reverses. Then she speaks again.
"Stop!" Ella looks at the 'thing'. It looks like a....a...boy! A small boy. Roughly the same age as her. It's very hard to see the details. It's not her mother, she would have noticed. She closed her eyes for only a moment. She opened them back up and that figure was gone.
All of a sudden,  there was crash that came from upstairs. Ella ran towards the stairs and heard it again.
She ran up the stairs and turned the corner.
She opened the door and....

"Wake up sweetie! We're at police station!"  The police officer said. Ella was awoken by the car stopping. Her eyesight was blurry for only a moment. She had to look at her new surroundings.
"Ok ,Ella, grab your stuff and come with me." He said as he got out of the car. Ella unbuckled her seatbelt, grabbed her things, and exited the police car. She followed the kind police officer into the station.
"Can you sit here for a minute, Ella, while I get you situated?" He asked, pointing to the seating area. Ella responded with only a head nod. Once she sat down, she began to ponder about the dream she just had. What did it mean? What was that thing?  And was she the only one who could see it?
As Ella sat in the waiting room of the police station, the kind police officer called the nearest orphanage, which happened to be Ms. Sally's Orphanage, run by Ms. Sally herself and her future husband, Rick Trevor. Or so the policeman thought. He grabbed the phone and dialed the phone number. After 3 rings, the call was picked up.
"Hello?" A man asked. It was probably Mr. Trevor on the other line.
"Hello! I am Officer Max. Is this Mr. Trevor that I am speaking to?" The office asked.
"It is." He said with a sour tone.
"Great! I have a question for you. Is there any room available at the orphanage? I have a little girl here with me named Ella and she needs a place to stay."
"Well I will have to check. There is no relatives she can live with?" Mr. Trevor asked, sounding really irritated.
"No sir, her mother disappeared and her father passed away in a car crash back in 1999" Max said.
"How old is she?"
"She is 10, in the fourth grade a Richland Elementary."
"Bring her here and we will see what we can do."
"Ok, Mr. Trevor! I am on my way with her right now! Thank you so much again! Good bye!" Officer Max frantically said. He hung up the phone and went to go get Ella.
"Ella! I have good news for you! They are going to take you in at the orphanage."
"Great!" Ella replied trying to put a smile on her face. But this wasn't great. It was everything but great. Why can't everything be the same again. Why can't she just be happy.
A few moments later, the duo was back in the cop car on their way to Ms. Sally's Orphanage. It was a quiet car ride for the most part, but there was always the occasional questions like "Are you excited?" or "Are you going to miss your old school?". And there was always no response from Ella. Then they finally came across an old dirt road, which led to the place Ella feared the most. Ms. Sally's Orphanage.
"Maybe things will be alright here. Maybe things aren't as bad as I heard. Maybe Ms. Sally is a nice lady." Ella thought to herself. She was just trying to stay positive. Maybe they will be nice to her. Maybe something will go right. Maybe for once in the past few years of her life she will be truly happy.
They pulled up to the old building, probably built in the 1800's. Waiting on the front porch of the building was Mr. Trevor. He had a sour look on his face as usually, and he didn't look that old. Probably about 40 years old or around that. He wore a black suit with a light grey button down underneath with a ruby colored tie.
Ella and Officer Max exited the car, and then walked up to greet Mr. Trevor.
"Thank you, sir, for taking Ella in."
"No problem at all" Mr. Trevor replied, putting a fake smile on his face.
"Yeah, thank you." Ella stated meekly.
"Do I have to meet with Ms. Sally or......" the officer began to ask but was cut off by Mr. Trevor.
"Ms. Sally is not longer here. She passed away a few months ago."
"Oh, well, I'm very sorry for your lose"
"Thank you. She was so nice to the kids, and the kids miss her so much."
There was a few moments of silence before Officer Max changed the subject.
"You have all of your things, Ella?" the officer asked.
"Ok, well, I hope you will be happy here. Bye, Ella." Officer Max concluded as he began to walk back to the car.
"Thank you for the help, Officer Max." Ella stated, waving goodbye.
"Well, Ella, do you want me to show you your room?" Mr. Trevor asked, holding out his hand for Ella.
"Sure." She replied, grabbing his hand.
Then the two entered into Ms. Sally's Orphanage.

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