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It was two days later........ Which meant school........
Queenie sighed and got out of bed.
Harriet and Ali were already awake. Harriet had done her makeup and straightened her hair. She was now doing Ali's hair, making it straight.
"Oh hi Queenie!!" Harriet smiled, not looking up, "I'm glad you're awake!! You haven't done your makeup yet...... Oh well.... We'll have to do it and just be late."
"I'll do it now," Queenie said, sitting by their dressing table.
Harriet looked at Queenie more closely and gasped.
"Oh my...... Your hair..... Looks BEAUTIFUL!!" Harriet shouted.
Ali looked at Queenie and nodded,"Oh my gosh!! It looks amazing!!"
Queenie had dyed her hair that night a very dark blue. A navy blue colour. All of her hair was blue. You couldn't see her roots. Then half of her blue hair had been dyed a silvery colour. It was messy, but you could get over it and look at her bright colours.
"It looks so much better than your red hair. It was very faded," Harriet said.
"I agree," Queenie said, brushing her foundation on hardly and messily.
"No no no!! You're gonna mess it up!!" Harriet shouted,"Do light strokes. That's my way of doing it. If you buff it into your skin, it looks like your natural skin colour."
"This is my natural skin colour," Queenie said, "It literally is!!"
"That's true I guess," Harriet shrugged,"I've nearly finished Ali's hair. I'll help you do your make up, or hair. "
"Thanks," Queenie said, "But I've nearly finished."
"Hey hey!!" Harriet shouted,"You can't miss out the bronzer and blush!!"
"I can't be bothered to do it," Queenie shrugged.
"But it helps the skin look darker!! You are so pale and white!!" Harriet said.
"That's a little bit rude," Queenie said, rudely.
"You know what I mean," Harriet sighed, "They complete the look!!"
Queenie put on her mascara,"Any way. I hardly do it anyway."
"So??" Harriet asked,"Sometimes I wonder why I even try."
Queenie bursted out laughing.
"What??" Harriet asked.
"Nothing," Queenie said.
Harriet gave a sly look at her.
"Okay...... That's your hair straightened," Harriet said.
"Thank you so much!! You don't know how much this means to me!!" Ali smiled,"It's been hard getting friends and...... I'm so happy I've met two lovely people."

Harriet smiled, but frowned, when Ali wasn't looking. Queenie also frowned.
Ali actually likes them...... And they're trying to destroy her home. Her school. Take over Auradon. But their mother made them....... They have no choice......

"So....... You want us to do this tonight??" Quentin asked.
"Yeah," Queenie said.
"But......" Quentin said.
"What??" Queenie interrupted.
"It's only been a few days since we came here," Quentin said.
"But we still have to do this. Mother wants this to be done sooner, you know what she'd be like if we failed," Harriet said.
Quentin shuddered.
"That's the bell," Harriet said,"We should go.... Miss Jane, or whatever her name is will be happy to see us arrive earlier than usual."
"Come on then," Quentin said.
"So we have a special treat for you!!" The fairy godmother said,"We do this with all our new students from the Isle. Your mother and father can't come in to see you, but we thought why don't we let them see you??"
"They're here??" Harriet asked.
"No no no...... We have a laptop here which connects to one in the isle. You can talk to your parents for as long as you like!! Jane, please can you get the laptop ready??"
Jane nodded and went onto the laptop. Carlos and Lonnie helped her get sorted.
"Here we are," Jane said.
She turned the laptop around and there was the children's mother and father on the screen.
Their mother was tall and slightly chubby. She had jet black hair and wore a black and gold, non magic crown her husband made. She wore a black and red dress. Half red, half black.
Her husband was slightly smaller than her, and thinner. He had brownish hair. He wore a red jacket on with black hearts on.

"Is it working??" Their mother asked.
"You press that button there!!" Their father said.
"What button??"
"The button on the screen!!"
"I'm confused."
"I'll do it!! For goodness sake!!"
"Oh it's working now!!" Their mother smiled,"Hello my jewels!! Have you been naughty kids??"
"N........" Harvey said.
"Yes!!" Queenie interrupted,"We've been in so many detentions and...... ERM...... We've missed classes and......."
"My brilliant children!!" The Queen of hearts smiled,"You see how good our children are!!"
Harriet gave a secret thumbs up at Queenie and Queenie smiled.
"Yes," The king of hearts sighed.
"And why's that??"
"Because they are your children."
"Exactly!! I'm so proud!!"
"Mother!! We're actually doing a thing," Harriet said,"Studying about your crown and the fairy's wand!! For... Homework and learning more about Auradon."
"Why are you studying about a useless wand??" Their mother asked.
"Mother!! That wand banished you!! You should be scared of it!!" Harvey shouted.
"Don't talk back to your mother darling..... It's very rude......" Their mother said.
"And we've looked about spells," Quentin said, keeping the convosation going.
"Why??" Their mother asked.
"For that thing........" Queenie said.
"The thing??"
"Yes the thing," Harvey said.
"The thing??"
"Yes," Quentin said.
"The thing??"
"The project....." Harriet said, making an excuse,"A project about Auradon. How to rule the land and the sea and you know....."
"I really don't," The mother said.
"Hi Father!!" Harvey said.
"Hello!!" Their father smiled and waved,"How are you??"
"Oh don't mind him!!" Their mother laughed.
"We're good thanks," Quentin smiled.
"Oh good..... I'm glad...... How's school??"
"It's...... Good..... We are actually in remedial goodness 101," Harvey said.
"Remedial what??" Their mother asked.
"Goodness," Harriet replied, regretting what Harvey said.
"Why do you want to be good??" Their mother asked.
"Umm....." Quentin couldn't think of what to say next.
"It's a class," The fairy godmother said, stepping in,"It shows you what Auradon is like."
"Woah!!" The Queen of hearts gasped,"The fairy godmother!! Long time no see. The last time I remember you was you sending me and my children to the isle."
"Yes," The fairy godmother said.
The Queen of hearts started laughing.
"What??" The fairy godmother asked.
"Is that the best you could do?? I mean it's no surprise you got a really bad job in the end," Their mother laughed,"Without magic in Auradon, you have nothing else to do!!"
"Mother........" Harriet said.
Their mother carried on laughing,"I mean, even with the magic, you were useless. You couldn't give Cinderella another hour could you?? And all those rats."
"They are mice!!" The fairy godmother said.
"Yeah hamsters whatever," The Queen said.
"They were mice!!" The fairy godmother mother said, walking away.
"Well, mother. We will have to go now...." Queenie said.
"Why?!" Their mother asked.
"To... Do..... More evil," Quentin replied, making an excuse.
Harriet gave him a thumbs up, wiping the sweat of her forehead.
Queenie sighed.
"Oh yes!! I shouldn't interrupt you then!!" The Queen of hearts said.
Quentin quickly turned the TV off.
"Thank you," Harriet smiled.
The fairy godmother smiled, "Hope fully the things you said weren't true."
"They weren't," Harvey said, "We just have to make our mother proud."
"I understand," The fairy godmother said, "But why do they always mistake those mice to hamsters and rats?? Euh I hate both, mice are better!!"
Harriet giggled, "Thank you."

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