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"So let me get this straight," Harvey said, walking towards Queenie's bed and sitting on it,"Ali is the daughter of Alice and you two have to sleep in the same room as her??"
Queenie nodded.
They were in the girls bedroom. Ali went to go on a walk on her own just before the boys came in. Luckily she didn't see them.
"But our mothers are enemy's. As if you'd put the children of them both together," Harvey said.
"I know," Harriet said,"But she was really sweet. She was so nice to us until we told her who our mother was. As soon as we said it, she gasped and wanted to do her own stuff."
"Then she told us who her mother was and we were just silent, until about five minutes later when she said she wanted to go on a walk," Queenie said.
"Oh. OK," Quentin said, "Did she want to avoid you??"
"I don't know. It seems like it,"Harriet said.
"Wait....." Harvey said,"If she has a mother... Why is she here?? Why isn't she at home with her family??"
Everyone shrugged and became silent.
"I don't know," Harriet said,"What if her mother...... Oh that must be awful!!"

The door opened and Ben entered the room.
"I just wanted to see if.... Oh I didn't expect yo see you all here!! You do realise that the boys can't go into the girls room.... And vice versa," Ben said.
"Sorry it don't happen again," Harriet sighed.
"Well, now that you are here together, I can talk to you all now, and not separately. Did you enjoy the first day of school??"
"Yeah. It was OK," Harvey replied.
"I hated it," Queenie said without hesitating.
"And why was that??" Ben asked.
"It was boring," Queenie replied, not looking up.
"And we were in detentions a lot. They should give us chances, not do one thing wrong and rant on about it!!" Harriet argued.
"You know. I found school boring when I was your age, but you all still need to learn and soon, you will be glad you were even in education," Ben said,"And don't sorry. You're probably some of the best villains that came. Normally they'd get detentions in every lesson and get shouted at badly and normally do what their parents wanted to. That was because they thought they didn't gave a choice. But you do and we will accept your choice."
Queenie stared at him.

"Why did you put us in the same bedroom as Ali, the daughter of Alice??" Harriet asked.
"Well," Ben said,"I was actually going to put her with some other girls."
"Hey that's a good idea!!" Queenie said,"Why don't we put her with them then??"
"Well.... The thing was that they were villains children. They weren't as good as you. They kept getting in detentions. But they were nice to Ali, but somehow, she got into trouble too because she really liked them. I didn't think they were the right choice for her and that upset everyone," Ben replied.
"But.... They were friends," Harvey said.
"I know. But they got Ali into trouble too. They weren't the best for her," Ben said,"Her Mother, Alice, is away.... She goes travelling to different unique places."
"That sounds right," Quentin said.
"She is a travel writer, so that means she has to go away. She hardly sees Ali any more with all this work she has go study. She does come back, but........ You must understand that Ali is sad and needs someone to help her through rough times. I thought you'd be the best option, as there's so many villains children living here and not so many people who live in Auradon," Ben said.
"Oh...." Harriet said, nearly in tears,"I never knew that."

"Mmmmm..... Well. I best be off. I need to see my parents in half an hour, for a meeting, so I better go!! I'll talk to you later, bye!!"
"Bye," Quentin said.
Queenie did a tiny wave that ended up into lots of little air punches after he closed the door.
"Why should he be poking his nose into our business?? Telling us that we have a choice!!" She complained.
(Author speaking: I do not hate Ben!! I love Ben because he is such a nice sweet character and I wish there were more people like him in the world :( )
"But that must be so horrible for Ali," Harriet said.
Queenie stopped punching the air and stared at her before nodding.
"Well, we should go to our room before Ali comes," Harvey said,"You should come to our room, it's epic compared to your room!!"
Harriet laughed, as she ran after her twin brother.
Quentin and Queenie shrugged their shoulders, nodded and ran....

"Look," Harriet said,"We didn't come here just to have a nice vacation in Auradon."
She got out a big sheet of a3 paper.
"We came here to get the crown of Bens head and take it back to mum, somehow, we will break the barrier so all villains can be free and take over again."
"But..... How??" Quentin asked.
"Well.... We need to get to go to the.... Mu.... Mu..." Harriet struggled to say the word, as she hadn't been in school for the last twenty odd years.
"Museum," Quentin said.
"Yeah," Harriet said, "We need to go to the Mu... Mu... Mus-ee-um and claim mothers crown of hearts. And the fairy godmothers wand. That's the only thing that can break the barrier."
"How far is the museum??" Queenie asked.
"I'm not too sure, but we shouldn't go yet," Harvey replied,"I can always check on the school computers."
"Or my laptop," Quentin said, pointing to a bag beside his bed.
"Yeah that's good!!" Harriet said,"No one will be suspicious then!!"
Quentin nodded.
"Do we have the things that mum gave us??" Harvey asked.
Harriet and Queenie held the necklaces they wore. They were both hearts. They were the same. They rolled their sleeves up and had the same bracelets. They were silver chains with a golden crown in the center.
Quentin took his necklace out of his jacket and Harvey took his jacket off and showed the necklace. They were the same as each others, but not the same as the girls. Their necklace was a golden chain with a crown on, like the girls bracelets.
They showed their bracelets. The bracelets were like the girls necklace, but it was a silver chain with a heart.
"It's cold," Harvey said quickly, as he put his jumper on.
"Mum says that these will somehow activate the crown," Queenie said, as she also put her jumper on.
"But how??" Quentin asked.
"Maybe there's some kind of button??" Harriet asked.
"I don't think there is,"Harvey replied.
"I don't know. I guess we will just have to find out," Queenie replied.
"How are we going to get the crown and get the the isle with the wand as well??" Quentin asked.
"Mmmmm...... Good point," Harriet said.
"Maybe if we.... No that won't work," Harvey muttered.
Queenie looked up,"What??" She asked.
"What??" Quentin asked.
"Tell us!!" Harriet said.
"No. It won't work," Harvey sighed.
Harriet started to kick his leg hardly.
"Ouch!! Hey!! Oww!! What's this for??" He asked, pretty much shouting,"You kicking me with your night heals doesn't feel nice at all!!"
"Tell us before I hit your funny bone on the table!!" She demanded, still kicking him.
"Fine!! Oww!! Only if you stop!!" Harvey shouted.
"Yeah!!" Harriet said,"I'll stop!!"
"Well what if we...." He started to explain his idea.
"I don't know why you said it was a bad idea because this is perfect!!" Quentin smiled and high fived him.
"Yeah I do say it was genius," Queenie giggled,"I'd never have thought of it myself."
Harvey blushed,"You think so??"
"Yeah BOYYYY!!" Harriet smiled.
Harvey hugged Harriet.
Harriet blushed, but hugged him back.
"Aweee love,"Queenie said, staring at them.
Quentin nodded.
"They really are good together," He said.
Queenie smiled,"I know. I find it really cute at times."
Quentin put his arm around her and smiled as he watched his younger siblings.
Queenie smiled and did the same.....

Disney Desendants: Off With Their Heads!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora