I let out a bitter laugh. Mitch always knew what I was thinking; it was hard for me to hide things from him. I grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut as hard as I could. ‘How can I not think so much about it Mitchie? He’s purposely doing this to me, how can I just stand there and watch him kiss other girls?’ I asked him incredulously and let out a huge, shaky breath. ‘This is ridiculous.’

Mitchie locked eyes with me before his eyes latched to something behind my shoulder. I saw his eyes narrow and I knew he saw what I was saying. I heard him cuss under his breath and a scowl was forming on his face. ‘What the fuck is that idiot doing?’ he spoke so harshly that I took a step back in shock.

He looked at me again and grabbed my hand before he pulled me down the hallway. I started protesting when I saw he was heading towards Blake. He just blatantly ignored my protests and walked even faster until I was half-jogging with him just to keep up. I saw Mitch reach a hand out to Blake before pulling him backwards, making him spin to face us.

He looked shocked at first, a little pained when he saw me but then it all were replaced with the familiar smirk on his face. Those transitions between the different expressions were so fast that I was shocked that I was able to see them. I just stared at him in silence, the smirking jerk was back.

That idiot really remembered what I had told him during that date. I told him that I had missed the jerk he used to be whenever we dealt with each other. What the fuck is he playing at?

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ Mitch demanded at him bluntly as he faced Blake threateningly. Sometimes I was glad that Mitchie was strong and in a gang but sometimes I had to groan in embarrassment at his act of bravado. I had to wince at my bestfriend’s tactless remarks and I raised my eyes to the heavens wondering how I managed to land myself in these kinds of situations.

‘I’m heading to class,’ Blake answered him sarcastically.

‘Brilliant, I didn’t know it was so plain obvious,’ I replied emotionlessly and rolled my eyes at him. If he wants to play this way, I can play along. Two can play this game. I don’t know what he was doing but if he wants to do it this way, I’ll just play along with these stupid mindless games.

He raised an eyebrow at me, clearly unimpressed at my sarcastic remarks. ‘And what do I owe you two the pleasure?’ he asked, smirking a little at the both of us as his eyes looking down towards my entwined hands with Mitchie. I saw his eyes change a little but that’s all I saw. This guy is good.

‘Look Blake, I don’t know what you’re playing at but stop hurting her,’ Mitchie said to him quietly. I felt my jaw drop at his words. Way to go for being blunt Mitchie; just lay everything on him. Brilliant. ‘I know you love her-don’t deny it-I can see it as clear as day but the least you can do is lay off from the other girls.’

Blake seemed to freeze at his words like as if some truth had hit some sense into him. I felt like I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole at the way the conversation was heading to but I knew that I needed to know what is going on rather than just seeing him from afar and hurting.

Blake nodded quite grimly. ‘I’ll stay away from the girls but you need to stop kissing her,’ he demanded at Mitchie. I felt my heart drop to my feet. He looked at me once, his eyes softening a little before turning back to glare at my bestfriend. ‘If I see you kissing her-‘

‘Hey I love her too you know, she’s like my sister of course I get to kiss her you dumbfuck,’ Mitchie cut in harshly and rudely. He glared at Blake and as the bell started to ring, both boys seemed to snap out of their glaring match.

‘I don’t really care,’ Blake answered him harshly. His blue eyes darken in anger as he glared menacingly at Mitchie. They didn’t care that the first bell had rung and that they were literally standing in the middle of the hallway, thus blocking the other students that were rushing towards their own classes.

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