Yeah right, you and evil. I simply smile, nodding a few times. "But, there's something I wanted to ask you, I know it's really not any of my business but did you And Nathan... you know... did you two ever go further than... that?",she dodges my shocked expression. She's absolutely right, it's one of her business! "We haven't.", I answer truthfully,feeling slightly heated up in Embarrassment. "Oh okay, I'm sorry,I was just wondering.", she stands there awkwardly before slowly turning around and heading for her own room. Why even did she ask?What could be so interesting in knowing about how far we've gone?

In the end, Claire wasn't even at home, she was at a friends place over the night, or I think even over the whole weekend, I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, Nathan and I started planning our trip, when we'll leave, what I should pack for and checking things with his grandparents, letting them know that there will be another person tagging along and of course his tons of friends . I'm not kidding, he's texted so many different people, too many names to remember. Leslie was the only one that stuck with me Since I actually chatted with her before. It fascinates me that Nathan is such a social guy. How did he end up with someone like me? That's Still beyond me!

The rest of the weekend I occasionally met up with some of the other people I can call my friends. Junia And Claire met up for coffee, dragging me along with them. It was fun but I would have preferred staying at home or over at Nathan's place.

On Monday, my mom called Dr Sheppard First thing in the morning, her voice still tainted with sleep but she wouldn't listen to my father who told her to wait a little. Tobe honest, until I walked down the stairs, watching my mother stalk through the living room and kitchen with her phone pressed to her cheek and her thumbnail between her teeth. Dad had told me who she was talking to, earning a wide eyed look from me. Dr Sheppard told her he'd call back on Friday to let us know when his partner or friend or whatever their relationship is is free. That was almost a reason for my mom to cancel my plans with Nathan but both my dad And Alex had to convince her to let me go anyway. She can just text me the latest date once she knows more, right?

Tuesday was the day, the day I'd go to Nathan's hometown and meet all of his millions of friends. I have tobe honest, I haven't slept well the last night, I was truly nervous about the things that might happen there. Nathan will be over to pick me​ up in a few minutes, my suit case is already packed and placed next to my door and I'm already dressed sitting at the kitchen counter with my mom and Alex, my dad was still in the bathroom getting ready for his day at work. I'm not exactly sure why, but Nathan wanted to leave as soon as possible, saying the drive is quite long and he intended to get there towards noon.

I check the time on my watch, my foot us shaking in a non-existing rhythm, making me even more nervous. 9am. Way too early for summer break. My whole family has decided to get up as well, although my dad is the only one who has to actually go to work. But I guess their antisocial son going away for an entire week is a very big deal. Alex is on her phone, glancing up at me every once in a while. We've never talked about what happened that day and I'm more than glad that she never tried to ask me anything too personal but I still can't believe I've actually answered her.

The two females raise their head at the exact same time, looking towards the door then back to me with smiles on their faces. I simply nod, getting up from my seat and heading for the door where Nathan was standing at the other side. He greets me with kiss, his smile never leaving his lips as they are pressed against mine. "Are you ready to go?", he asks after a few more seconds, grinning at my nervous expression. "Don't worry, baby, my friends won't bite, I promise.", he pushes a hand through my hair,slicking it back slightly.

"I'm not all too worried about that.", I laugh, turning around to look at the entire rest of my family just standing there with huge smiles plastered on their faces.Except for my dad but he did look genuinely pleased with the situation. "Then we'll be going right?", I earn a nod From Nathan and three hugs, one extremely tight. Guess from whom.

"Mom, I'll only be gone for like a week .", I chuckle, gently peeling the woman off of me and towards her husband who, like always, puts an arm around her waist. "I know but still. Nathan.", she adjusts her gaze over to my boyfriend,"You better take very good care of him." I look at him with an amused smile as he utters a confident "Yes ma'am.",

We say our goodbyes before heading for the car, putting my luggage in the back seat next to his. "I'll Call Kalyx when we're on the way. For now, do you want to get something to eat or wait a little.", he asks as we are both seated and buckled up. "I don't mind either way, I'm more tired than hungry anyway.", I admit with a yawn, covering my mouth with my hand. "Then why don't you sleep and we'll get something to eat once you wake up.", he smiles, touching my cheek and smiling at me for a second. I simply nod, closing my eyes already.

Last night I've slept like 3 hours or something, I was way too anxious to even think about sleep. So naturally , I almost fell unconscious the fist few minutes the car engine was rumbling and vibrating beneath me. It wasn't for like an hour later, when my stomach did decide to pitch in and ruin my peaceful slumber. I wake up coughing, chocking on my own spit as I sit up straight and stare over at the driver who couldn't contain his laughter. "Dude, I could have died!", I try to pout but the constant coughing kinda messed that up. Nathan's laughter got worse and the car jerked sideways for a second. "You better concentrate on what you're doing there.", I try to sound like a smart ass,eyeing him closely as he scoffs at me.

I look out of the window instead,nothing but long freeways, a few trees and bushes and dozens of cars.So nothing to really focus on but every once in a while my gaze is fixed to one particular car as I count its passengers, their genders,guess their ages and how packed their trunk is and try to figure out where they might be heading. I'm pretty sure I saw a green van with two little kids, both of them wearing mickey mouse ears, who must have been on their way home from Disneyland.

After a few more minutes of my little game, I turn back to Nathan who also looked at me with a smile."Hungry?", he asks, as he already knew what I was going to say. I chuckle and nod, adding a "That's what I wanted to ask.". We Decide on a drive through restaurant, eating in the car while Nathan Kept on driving.


Look, it's a long ass chapter! Hallelujah! This is actually an old chapter, I wrote this a few weeks ago but i couldn't bring myself to actually update it! Buuuuut! Good news: The Wattpad website doens't delete certain spaces between words anymore! So i can just copy and paste it from OpenOffice! So much easier!!! Much simple. (update : Nevermind it still does that)

Also, i started this 30 Day-Writing Challenge with the Deaf Wish characters, so if you want to read it, I'd upload it as a new book. It contains questions about their pasts, wishes, nightmares and dreams, things i will most likely not write in the actual book.

Would you be interested?

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