|| Special Chapter ||

Start from the beginning

I raised my one eyebrow, wow, was it a miracle, or just a coincidence?

Pacifica, and Dipper are the number one ship in this school. Dipper would always tease her, and Pacifica would always shout at him.

There comebacks are funny though, they would say:

"Tss, why is your last name like that? What are you, some kind of an ocean?"

"At least I'm not a walking constellation."


Speaking of....

"Hey! Did I told you to run away from me?"

"Ugh! Stop following me!"

Then, it happens....they both started fighting again.


"All I hear is nothing but trash, c'mon." Dipper then held her wrist which made Pacifica blush, she tried to get away from him. But being the strong person, Pacifca can't even get away.

"Cant you wait? I'm talking to (Y/n)!"

Dipper then looked at me, "Sorry, I didn't noticed."

I rolled my eyes, "None taken."

"Fine, but you better be there or I'll give that white headed freak a--"

"OKAY! Just don't do anything to Gideon!"

With that, everything went back to normal. Dipper walked away, and Pacfica went back on talking.

"Sorry 'bout that, anyways, who's your special someone."

"Uhh....." A sweat dropped on the side of my face as I darted my eyes anywhere except on hers.

I can't even talk properly, how can I tell this to her?

As I looked everywhere, I saw a blue head boy, "Ahhh.....yeah! I-its Will!"

She then looked at me, her eyes sparkling, "WHAT REALLY!?"

I then shushed with all I can. Finally, she stopped squealing, and breathe heavily.

"I can't believe this, how did you convinced him to be your partner?"


She then nodded, and said goodbye while skipping away.

Well, at least that settle--

"Oh, and (Y/n)! You better be telling the truth!" Pacifica yelled, and finally went out of my sight.

I'm in trouble.


I started heading home with a head ache, I couldn't focus on handling the classroom because of what happened earlier.

I sighed, it's alright, she won't notice, right?


She is an observant person! Even the slightest move can turn her attention. I am in a big situation. All I have to do is to convince Will to be my fake partner until Valentines day end.

Yeah that's it.

But how am I supposed to do it!? We aren't even close!

The first time we encountered is where I was in a hurry because I was late, and accidentally bumped him.

Oh this is bad.

I've also heard that he is a quiet person, and likes to be alone. Ph this is some nice situation you're into

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