As expected I woke up with a pounding headache and the blaring sound of my alarm didn't help a bit. Before I got to Christine's apartment, I tried to wake her up and she did open her eyes for a bit. I yelled that I was going to the office early over her head but she barely listened to it as she was busy pulling a pillow over head. I locked her house and pushed in the single key house of her down her door. I hoped that she would find it. When I reached office I was stunned to find media and news swarming over the entrance. It was a fight to get inside and security was tight too. Only a few people were on the main floor, even the receptionist hadn't arrived. I rushed to my floor as soon as the car arrived. When I exited from the car to my floor I was more than shocked. The scene here was different, the whole floor was buzzing and in chaos. Everyone was working on something. As I made way to my cubicle I heard my boss's secretary calling for me.

"Allison rush over here after keeping your things and keep your phone with you," saying that she rushed over to my boss's cubicle. I was quick and in seconds in my boss, Mrs Delloris office. she was on the phone as I knocked she signed me to come in but was busy on the phone. When she saw me she put the caller on the hold.

"Allison, good you are on time. I want you to go down and set up the conference room downstairs. We have three hours to set up a press conference. There are people downstairs and you are going to make sure that everything is in order. The makeup artist is going to arrive soon. I want you to show her to a place where she could set her things. When you are done report me back here." She was quick and back on the phone. Worry and tension were all over her face. As I was going downstairs I stopped in Sofia's Cubicle to know what was going on. She was busy picking up files and working through her computer. All she could say to me was that we were in damage control mode. Damage control? She was too busy working that I couldn't ask her anything else. I picked up my pace and wth the help of others, I was able to set up the conference room set up for a press conference. The make artist arrived on time and I had shown her a room where she could set up her things. I was puzzled with what was happening around me. Finishing the work downstairs I reached upstairs. It took me good two hours to prepare the conference room, making sure everything was at its best. As I reached Mrs Delloris office she was angry and yelling over the phone.

"What do you mean you don't know? You were supposed to keep an eye on him Alex. You are the head of his security!" It felt like the last two hours had aged her.

"Why do I have to do everything myself?" She yelled as she cut down the line.

"Everything is done Mrs Deloris," I said when it was safe to talk. She breathed in deep breaths before giving me a brief nod. She sat down and rubbed her forehead.

"Is there anything else I could help with?" Her head rose and she took in my appearance.

"Can you handle with drunk antsy people Allison?"

"Yeah," I had worked at the bar too and had a very good experience on how to handle them.

"I will not be able to leave the premises until the conference is done that is why I'm asking you to do this for me. I'm giving you an address. Karl is going to be outside the building with the car. I want you to give him the address. I will be calling him and he will take you there. When you reach this address, these are the keys." She said taking out a set from her drawer. "I want you to go inside with Karl and look in every room and corner of the house and find Noel Dalianis. A pair of clothes is already in the car. Your work is to get his drunk ass in the shower, get him ready and bring him here. You just have an hour Allison and I am trusting you with this. You said you can handle such man thus I want you to handle your bosses boss and drag him to the car and get him here. The rest I will take care of. If you are able to do this Allison you will be the saving grace of this enterprise." She held out the address and the keys for me to take while stood in a haze. I had to face that fucker and drag him here. Goddamnit, what had I got myself into. Three days at my job and feels like I had all the adventure of office life. Why couldn't I get a boring job of sitting in front of a computer all day?

(The Virtuous Husband) In the name of LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin