Chapter 17: As Official Princess...

Start from the beginning

My breath caught in my throat, anxiety taking over me. It was then that Harris begin speaking, he stood tall, eye's flickering over every section of the crowd with a genuine smile on his face and relaxed figure.

"I, Harris Carter, would like to, hereby, accept Courtney Hall as Princess of Gathednam. We trust she will make safe decisions regarding our land while using the time given to her to gain knowledge before inheriting the previous Queen, Queen Lyla Teenel Hall's, throne. We trust that with help, she will read and study all guidelines & regulations regarding Gathednam's book. To protect us with her life as we will do for her. Any servere failure to upholding these guidelines & regulations would result in an immediate banishment from the Palace and title holding you as Princess. This failure will vanquish all possibilities of you, Courtney Hall, to ever obtaining the throne or working in the line of royalty on Gathednam's soil as long as you live. Do you, Courtney Hall, accept this duty as well as responsibility leading to the throne?"

Harris stepped back after speaking every word thoroughly to the crowd. I listened, his voice bringing a certain comfort to me, calming my nerves while I watched his relaxed figure in front of such a big audience. I don't know if it was the tea Farrah gave more or if I had actually overcome my anxiety but whichever one, I was truly greatful.

Stepping forward in front of the podium, I laid my hands gently on the stand as my heart slowed to its orginal pace. I smiled, my eye's glancing over the huge crowd like Harris had previously told me to before speaking. My tone was leveled as spoke, pronouncing each word with meaning and profound confidence.

"I, Courtney Hall, do accept this duty as well as the responsibility leading to the throne."

Most inherents of the throne would've stopped there. But you aren't like most people, Harris said, if this was a democracy, make them choose you.

Before the crowd could react to my decision, I continued to speak without pause. "I accept to make decisions regarding the land and it's people, the safety of those around you as well as the unity of Gathednam thoroughly and with care. I'm heavily aware everyday that I, Courtney Hall, was not conceived nor born here on Gathednam, that I do not speak the language that is spoken so fluently by those around me, that I am not the least bit aware of your history or your ancestors legends. I'm painfully aware how I am accused of coming here only for the riches and the land. To that, I have to say, you are awfully mistaken. This land will be treated as my own because my mother, previous Queen Teenel, was born here on Gathednam resulting in me being half Gathednain. I might not be aware of your history but please believe that I will study the page of every book ever made on this soil, why? Because I've made a promise. My mother died while leading you so it is only right to continue her wishes of a peaceful, protected world. You might think that it is my name written on it, but I'm here to tell you, it is yours. I come to serve you, not for the riches or land. My focus is you. My happiness is you and it won't come until this land, the people, are satisfied with, myself, the inherent Queen. That is my promise to you, so please I ask, will you let me fulfill it?"

By then end of my speech, I was breathless and stood, unmoving as my eyes flickered across the crowd. For three undeniably long heart-stopping seconds, it was quiet. So quiet that if someone dropped a pen or even sneezed, I was pretty sure every head in the building would turn in their direction. My heart was beating against my chest, hammering in my ears like a constantly increasing drum as I waited. Not even Gathednam's tea could help the anxiousness I felt at this moment.

By the fourth second, the crowd reacted. Erupting into cheers as screams of my name for Queen was yelled out from various sections. People clapped, wooed, and even jumped up and down. I grinned widely, relief taking over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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