Bad People

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A/N: Hello, my beautiful people. Much like the last chapter, please do not play song until told to. Thank you, I hope you enjoy. <3 

Dustin's POV

It was silent for a few moments, the room was still pitch black. I walked to Six and tried to help her stand up. She began to stand, but her legs began to grow weak and she started to collapse in my arms. Her eyes were shut and her breathing was staggered. Her legs were barely supporting her, so I quickly scooped her up in my arms and carried her like a bride.

"Six?" I mumbled as I set her on the couch. She said nothing, she just lied there; unconscious. The room stayed silent, and my heart dropped at the sight of her. She was so helpless and weak. All of the sudden she shot up from the couch, gasping. The lights flashed back on seconds after she woke.

"He has her!" She said hoarsely.

"What?" I replied.

"Brenner! He has my mom." She said beginning to cry. "He took her! He's trying to get back at me!"

"Calm down, Six! breathe." I said pulling her close.

"No!" She said pulling out of my arms. "Don't you see? This is how he destroys us! He gives us what we want most, then he rips it away!"

"Six, please. You need to calm down!" I shouted over her. She started to saunter toward me and pulled my face in keeping eye contact.

"You saw him." She said angrily, "What did he want?"

"I-I don't know Six..."

"Tell me!" She demanded, her face looked the way Elle's did when she was angry... I had never seen this side of Six before, her loathing burned through her. Her pure hatred for Brenner fueled this behavior. My lying to couldn't have helped.

"He wants you back... He said you loving people will be your downfall." I muttered with tears in my eyes. The anger faded from her face and I watched the heartbreak fill her eyes. She immediately fell to her knees and sobbed into her hands. "Six..." I started.

"Michael!" Mike's mom screamed.

"Wait a sec!" He screamed back.

"Michael Wheeler, you get up here this minute!"

"Goddamn it..." He muttered under his breath. He quickly ran up the stairs.  

Mike's POV

"What mom!?" I said annoyed.

"There's a supposed to be a storm coming into town, and your friends might have to stay through Monday. It's supposed to be one of the worsts in over ten years... They say it could become a hurricane. So, I need you to call their parents and makes sure they know what's happening." She said prepping a first-aid kit.

My eyes widened, this could not be a worse time for us to get cabin fever. I wasn't so much scared of the storm tearing everything apart, as I was of Six destroying the town till it rained blood.

"Okay, I'll go get them," I said as I ran back downstairs. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw nothing except Dustin, Lucas, and Will all unconscious. The room didn't look damaged, but... As I looked around more I saw the back door was wide open. There was no sign of Six anywhere. I walked outside. The sky was the darkest I had ever seen it, the brisk wind nearly knocked me over. I tried to stand my place. I looked all around, but she was nowhere to be seen. "Six?!" I yelled out. "Y/n!?"

Your POV 

I ran against the wind with all my might. I didn't know where I was going... But she was calling out to me, she needed me. I didn't feel bad about what I did to Dustin and the boys', they wanted to protect me, but in reality, I was the one... The only one who could protect them. I did what I had to do to keep them out of harm's way. 

Start Song Now <3

Will's POV

I felt an immense pounding on my forehead, I opened my eyes to find Mike shaking me awake.

"What the hell happened? I wasn't even gone for five minutes!"He shouted. I rubbed my head and tried to comprehend what had happened.

"I... I have no idea." I stumbled, I quickly glanced around the room. Next to me was a still unconscious Dustin and Lucas. I leaned over and began to shake them awake. "Hey, get up," I said.

"Ow..." Dustin groaned as he sat up.

"Huh?" Lucas mumbled.

"What happened?" Mike said still interjecting.

Will's Memory 

Slowly Y/n began to walk away... Turning her back to Dustin, he quickly grabbed her wrist and shook his head disapproving.

"No, Six. I won't let you..." He said holding her. She said nothing. She yanked her arm away and stared him down. "That's not gonna work," He said returning the look. "I'm not letting you go!" She again turned away from him and began to head for the door.

"Six please..." I whined.

"No." She said numbly.

"That's it! I'm getting Mike." Lucas announced as he started up the stairs. Y/n stared at him intently, he quickly fell to the floor unconscious.

"Lucas!" I shouted, I quickly turned back to Six. Her eyes darted to Dustin and he soon also fell to the floor. "Six, don't do this... We can help you. We'll save her together." I pleaded.

"It's not your job to save people, Will..." She whispered.

"It's not yours either! You can't do this alone!" I said still trying to persuade her. She said nothing, she just looked me deeply in the eyes. Suddenly my vision began to blur and my eyesight faded in and out. I fell to my knees, my arms and legs felt paralyzed. I couldn't move... With my last few seconds of consciousness, I watched her walk away.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, "I'll love you all forever..." That was the last thing I could hear before I fell into the dark abyss. 

End Of Memory

"I know what happened..." I whispered. 

Your POV

I had begun to recognize the place I was being drawn to, I knew where she was.

"Mirkwood..." I muttered under my breath, as I looked all around the road.

"Y/n." A voice muttered.

"Mom..." I whispered beginning to cry. Slowly, I watched her pick up an object in her left hand and place it against the temple of her head. "Mama?" I cried running toward her. My legs couldn't go fast enough. As I got closer I saw what she held to her head. It was a gun... "MAMA?!" I screamed.

"I love you baby girl..." She said sobbing.

"MAMA, NO!" I screamed until my throat burned. Everything had begun to move in slow motion... I watched her move her finger and pull. The gunshot rang in my ears, I still ran toward her and fell to my knees in tears. She lied lifeless, I sat in a pool of her blood.

My crying had become unstoppable. I scooped her up in my arms and sobbed on her still warm body. I felt a wave of an emotion I had never felt before flow through me. From my tears to my clenched fists... I felt this strong and overcoming pain in my chest.

Anger filled my heart, and I felt everything begin to feel numb. I slowly stood up from the ground and looked up. I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Wailing in agony toward the sky. The ground beneath my feet began to crumble and shake, the earth began to feel my pain... I still looked up and violently screamed.

A/N: Hello, my beautiful people...  So know this chapter was pretty sad. If we are being totally honest I cried writing it, because like many of you. I put a lot of myself in my own characters, especially Six... I know this may sound weird, but when writing this moment I could definitely feel her pain as I'm sure many of you could. Also, I have a quick announcement... I have decided to write a sequel. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will post really soon!! <3 

Dustin Henderson X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora