Leaving The Campaign

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UPDATE: Hello, my beautiful people. So everyone is asking me when this story takes place, and it's before season two. I wrote this book about a year before season two even came out. So I promise any similarities between Kali and Six are seriously coincidental. (People have also compared her to Mantis from Guardians Of The Galaxy, once again I wrote this before that came out, and it's a complete coincidence.) Anyway, I love you all and I'm excited to have new readers. Much love. XOXO. 

Dustin's POV 

After our long typical weekend campaign, I decided that I should leave. If my mom had caught me out too late, I'd be in deep shit. "Mike, I'm gonna leave man. Anyone else gonna go?" I asked looking around the basement.

"Nah, not me. I'm staying the night." Lucas replied. I looked to Will, he just he just shook his head and continued his silence. After the Upside Down Will had become different, quieter, he seemed to be fading away...

"Alright. Later guys." I said running up the stairs. As I left I heard the many scattered goodbyes from the Mike and Lucas. As I headed out, Mrs. Wheeler stopped me before I had even reached the door.

"You leaving sweetie?" Mrs. Wheeler was had always been worried about us leaving her house so late, especially after Will's disappearance.

"Yes, ma'am," I said smiling. I tried to hide my annoyance as much as humanly possible.

"Oh honey, it's too dark! I 'll have Ted take you home." She said as she moved from stirring cookie dough to washing her hands.

"I'll be alright Mrs. Wheeler, I have my bike anyways... I really don't want to inconvenience you guys." I said clenching my jaw as I smiled. 

A/N( I know this is really boring right now, but bare with me.) 

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head and waited for her allow me to leave. "Alright." She smiled. I quickly ran toward to the door and slammed it behind me. I grabbed my bike and started to ride home. 

Your POV 

I stared down at the dried blood on my hands, then down at the stream below me. I angrily scrubbed my hands in the freezing water. Not like it did me any good. My hospital gown was drenched in blood. What was I gonna do now? I had gotten out of that god awful place, but where was I gonna go? No family, no nothing. I was alone.

I dried my hands on my gown and proceeded to run through the woods. As I ran I saw something, a glimmer, it was a single light. It moved down what I assumed a dirt road. I began to run faster, and faster. The light had to be something, someone? I continued to sprint towards the illuminated ring. As I got closer, the sight had become clearer, but before I knew what was happening I was falling down into the ravine by the road. I continued falling for what seemed like forever, but I had finally reached the bottom of the ditch.

I held my head and whined, I pulled down my hand to find a dark wash of blood over my palms. I quickly stood up and looked around searching for the light, but I turned my head to find a young boy. He was unconscious, I dropped to my knees to investigate. He seemed to be around my age. He had curly brown hair and tan skin. 

Dustin's POV

I fluttered my eyes open, however, my vision still blurred. Above me, I saw a dark figure. When my vision had cleared. I saw what I hit. My eyes widened, i-it was a girl; she had long, h/c hair and deep e/c eyes...

"Are you okay?" She whispered. I stared blankly at the beautiful creature. "Hello?" She whispered again. I quickly snapped back and tried to find my words.

"H-Hey." I stuttered.

"Are you okay?" She smiled. I nodded my head and continued to stumble.

"I-I'm Dustin," I said. She nodded and smiled. "W-Wait, are you okay?" I said placing my hand on her bleeding forehead. She jumped startled. "It's okay," I said looking over her wound. "Are you lost?" I asked.

"Yes..." She uttered.

"Do you need help?" This time she said nothing, she shook her head. That was enough for me, I quickly stood up and offered her my hand; she hesitantly took my hand, and I pulled her up. "C'mon, I'll take you to my house." Suddenly I realized something was missing, I turned all around looking. My heart began to race, where did it go?!

"D-Dustin?" I turned all my attention to her. She starts to pull something from behind her back, it was my hat. She gently set in my hand and smiled. I felt my cheeks begin to warm up. Trying to ignore the heat in my face, I quickly changed the subject.

"What's your name?" I said putting my hat back on. She lifted her left wrist and showed me a three digit number '006'. "Your name is Six?" I mumbled. She smiled and nodded her head. Suddenly it caught my attention, she was wearing a blood-covered hospital gown. She was from the lab...   

A/N: Okay so this is my first fanfiction on this sight, this is also my first X reader ever. So I really hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to try and update as soon as possible. Thank you so much for reading. Also feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think!! :D 

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