Chapter 1: Hydra attack

Start from the beginning

'A plane?' I asked.

'Doesn't look like it,' replied Reflamen, 'In fact, it looks like it's a dragon.'

'Really! I wonder who it would be,' I replied.

I glanced at the dot, noticing that it was getting closer, and fast. 

'I don't know, did you ever imagine a dragon with eight heads, by any chance?' said Reflamen.

'What? No! Why would I do that?' I said.

'No reason, maybe it just came to you one day, but this dragon coming towards us is pure black, and it has eight heads,' said Reflamen.

I frowned. I summoned my bow to my hand, and waited. It finally got close enough so that I could see what it looked like. It was a hyra, but I never imagined any hydra. It continued to fly towards us, and it didn't look like it was going to stop soon. It opened one of it's mouths.

'Dive!' I screamed into Reflamen's head.

Reflamen furled in his wings and dived, just as the hydra let out a blast of fire. We ducked under the hyra. One of it's heads turned towards us, the one on the far right. It glared at us, then opened its mouth and spat some sought of green substance at us. 

'Move to the right!' I said.

Reflamen smoothly followed my command.

'Okay, this is weird,' I said to Reflamen, 'How come it's attacking us, and why is it even here?'

'I don't know and I don't care!' said Reflamen, 'But all that I know is that it attacked us, and I'm going to retaliate. Now hold on.' 

I gripped Reflamen with my knees as he went for a loop. He turned himself so that he was upside down. He opened his mouth and shot a pure red stream of fire at the hydra. As soon as the fire hit a massive explosion happened where the hydra was, then another one happened, and another, until where the hydra was, or used to be, was a gigantic ball of fire and smoke. The hydra fell through the bottom of the explosion. It looked like it was occonscious but I knew better.

'Hit it again,' I said to Reflamen.

Reflamen oppened his mouth and let loose another blast of red fire. The hydra suddenly swurved out of the way. It opened it's bat liked wings and started to make its way towards us. Reflamen growled and opened his mouth, letting another fireball build up in his mouth. The hydra didn't even give him the chance. One of it's heads opened it's mouth and a gust of wind shot from it, hitting Reflamens square in the chest. He roared in surprise as he was blasted high into the air. He was hit so hard that the shock ran through me and hit me off Reflamen's back.

I went into a freefall. I narrowed my eyes at the hydra, as I passed I drew my bow. An arrow suddenly appeared in the string. I shot it towards the hydra, then closed my eyes, quickly going into imagintive mode. 

I imagined myself, falling through the sky, flailing my limbs. I imagined the ground below getting closer and closer. I imagined the hydra, as the arrow flew towards it, hitting it in the right head, then exploding. I imagined Reflamen, managing to right himself in the air, then look towards me. I imagined the trees and the hills, that stretched for miles around. I imagined the farmers, looking up at the fight in the sky with shock. I then imagined my falling body to suddenly stop in midair.

I rightened myself, still with my eyes closed, then started to float towards the hydra. I drew my two normal swords, which were hanging by my side. This hydra would pay. It's right and second to right heads had been blown to bits. It's other heads roared in pain as smoke came from the two stumps. It looked towards me, and growled in surprise. It probably thought I would have been dead. 

It's middle head opened its mouth and suddenly launched a fireball towards me. I narrowed my eyes. I suddenly disappeared and reappeared right in front of the hydra. My hands moved, and all other six hydra heads suddenly seperated from the body. I sheathed my swords, put out my hand, and a blast of fire so hot that it could incinerate metal shot from my parm, completely destroying the remains of the hydra. 

When I put down my hand the hydra was nothing more then vapour. I laughed, stupid thing, it thought it could defeat me. Reflamen swooped down towards me. I grapped his horn as he flew by and put myself back onto his back, then opened my eyes. 

'That was harder then I expected,' I said.

Reflamen snorted, 'Yeah, it actually made you go into your imagintive state, and that blast of air, wow, I was not expecting that.'

'You got that right,' I said, scratching my head, 'But where did it come from, I mean, hydra's aren't actual animals of this world. There was no way that thing could have been natural.'

'I know,' replied Reflamen, 'And your probably right.'


Hey guys! First chapter of Imagination BK2! What did you think? I thought it was pretty exciting :) Anyway, vote and comment if you enjoyed, I'll post the next chapter soon. See Ya!


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