Chapter 42: Fear

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 The strange man took a small step forward, a small smile still on his face. His vine like whip cracked against the ground.  I started as I realised that he wasn’t holding the whip, but it was part of his hand. I realisation suddenly hit me.

“Shape Shifter?” I asked, surprised.

The man laughed, “So you do recognise me.”

“What are you doing?” I exclaimed.

“What do you think? “ he replied.

“Since when have you been on Zeus’s side?” I said, narrowing my eyes.

“Since the beginning. I agreed to help Zeus fight you, agree with him on anything, and train you to be at least a slight challenge,” he replied.

My eyes narrowed.

“Unfortunately you got a bit out of hand, creating your own imaginere, taking things into your own hands,” said the Shape Shifter, twirling his whip, “It’s been an interesting ride.”

“And it’s about to end,” I replied.

“I killed you once,” replied the Shape Shifter, “I can do it again.”

I smirked, “I have come a long way since then.”

He shrugged, “We’ll see. I’m guessing about Thor’s level.”

“As you said, we’ll see,” I replied, knowing perfectly well I could beat Thor.

We all stared at each other.

‘I take the Shape Shifter you take Zeus?” said Reflamen.

‘Okay, go,’ I said.

I suddenly disappeared and reappeared with my sword trapped against Zeus’s. Reflamen roared and I heard a humungous explosion behind me. Resisting the urge to turn around and check it out I began another tedious duel with Zeus.

He was definitely better, but this time I was ready for it. The Shape Shifter had taught me to imaginere without closing my eyes, but this time it was necessary. In the middle of the fight I closed my eyes and imagined.

The wind, clouds, ground and fire all came to my attention. Zeus and my swords moving in a blur as lighting and fire clashed together in an epic display of fireworks. In the background to massive forms were clashing into each other. The Shape Shifter had turned into a dragon that looked almost exactly like Reflamen, except with darker colours.

I felt like I was playing a computer game, but far more complicated. I was controlling my character on the field, making him do ridiculous manoeuvres in the air and his two flaming blades move so fast it was more like there was a firewall in front of him.

Zeus’s movements became a lot clearer. I could see where he would appear next and readied my character for it. The two battled back and forth, using their different powers to their advantage. My characters expert battle control and Zeus’s concentrated imagination.

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