I frantically looked around for some pixie dust, I wouldn't make it in time without it... Clever Peter...I decided to run for it. I ran like there was no tomorrow.

I eventually got to the beach on the opposite side. It was just starting to get dark. I could see the cave from the shore, so close, but yet so far away.
I closed my eyes in despair. I was probably too late. If only I had magic like Peter.

I opened my eyes and I was hovering above the sand. Woah, I'm flying without dust. I didn't know how that was happening, but I didn't care. I needed to get to that cave.

I landed on the top of it, hoping no one saw me, but the cave looked deserted. I squeezed through a crack and was looking around silently. I saw Peter talking to the Dark one. I tried to listen in on their conversation.

"So we meet again" said Peter, crossing his arms.

"It seems its true. the last time I talked to you was when you took my son. I will never forgive about that day." he shot him daggers.

"It's not my fault you never cared for him." he smirked.

"You know that is not true." he stepped closer, threateningly.

"Ok fine, what about that daughter of yours? What was her name? Annabelle? You just gave her up without a thought."

"I was trying to protect her." Rumple's tone got a little bit louder.

"Well that's funny, because you don't even know where she is right now, that shows how good of a father you really are-"

"She is here on the island!" he yelled.

Peter stumbled back, "What?"

"I believe she goes by the name Jackie now" he grinned evilly.

Oh my god, he was my birth father?!? No wonder we had such a weird connection that day.

"You lie." Peter hissed.

"I will let you think what ever you want. but when we leave, I'm taking her back with me." said my father.

"Not as long as I'm alive." He pulled a box out of his pocket and Rumple was sucked into it. I gasped, and then hid behind a rock. Peter looked up and flew near me. I wished that I was invisible. I saw his face appear and it seemed to be staring right at me, but he just turned and left.

I just realized I have those powers because I probably inherited them from my father.

Peter left that room and I swooped down to grab the box. I took it and put it in my little leather satchel. I then hid behind a rock on the lower level, close to where Peter and Henry entered.

Peter put his hand on Henry's shoulder.

"Are you ready to be the savior of Neverland?"

Henry looked nervous, almost as if he was having second thoughts. I saw Henry's family come in but they stopped at the entry way, but they couldn't get in because of magic.

His mother yelled, "Henry don't do it! You are just going to kill yourself!"

He looked at her and at Pan.

"I'm sorry Mom, I have to do this."

Pan had a wicked smile on, this is not the Peter I know. I saw him reach into his own chest and pull out his heart. It was glowing gold instead of the typical red color.

He then looked at it and shoved it into Pan's chest. There was a lot of glowing lights and Henry fell to the floor. I ran over to him to see if he was ok, while Peter was floating through the air, surging with power. He did this for his own personal gain.

I held Henry's limp body in my hands. I looked up at Peter in disgust. he finally saw that I was in there and his mood finally changed.

"You said no one would get hurt..."

"I know but-"

"No! You lied to me Peter! Just go away!"

He looked hurt, but I didn't care. he flew out of the skull cave. I undid the magic barrier and the family came in. I picked up the boy's body and placed it on a flat rock. I stepped back and let the family go to him.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was going to go this far."

Snow came over to me, and gave me a hug. She was really upset.

Neil sat up and looked around. "Where is my father?"
He looked at me, "Have you seen him?"

I pulled him aside.

"Here." I handed him the box.

"He-he's in there?" He asked me.

"Yes." He grabbed the box and started to walk away.

"Wait Neil,"

"I overheard a conversation between Rumple and Pan, Rumple said that he is my father."

"What?" he asked.

"I don't know, well since you are my brother, I was hoping you know who our mom is."

He was thinking really hard, "Well my mom died when I was young so I don't think we have the same mother."

"Oh..." I looked down.

He lifted my face, and looked at me.

"Belle must be your mother."

I smiled a little, I have a mother.

"Oh wow, I - I " I stuttered.

"I know." he pulled me into a hug, its nice having the feeling of a big brother.

He then put his arm around me and escorted me towards the group.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Back to camp of course."

I backed up. "I can't go with you... I'm sorry I just can't."

I shot up and flew away. the way that he looked at me hurt. I got to get back before I change my mind.

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now