Art class....

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High School. The base story of movies, TV shows, and some books. Let me tell you, it's not as glamourous as it sounds. And all those 'survival' guides you read won't help you.

My name is Sophie. I'm a freshman. Which means new school, new classes, new boyfriend(but why can't I keep the old one?). About as fun as attacking a nest of raccoons. First period is art, booooooring, I sit in the back of the classroom far away from the door, my normal seat. Just my luck that a guy in a SnapBack, tank top, and skinny jeans sits next to me(ewww), the warning signs that he probably will be in detention later. I know you're not supposed to judge people like that, but considering the cigarettes in his pocket I think I am right.

"Hey, I'm free tonight and by the way you are starring, I bet you are too." He says winking. I give him a sweet smile and sass back,

"No, I was just wondering if I get paid to keep quiet about those smokes you have." He could tell it wasn't a question. Sighing he handed over three of them. "Thank you" I said in the most girly voice possible.

"Samuel Williams?" The teacher asked.

"That's my name, don't wear it out!" The boy next to me yelled, "So what's your name desk buddy?" He asked.

"Sophie Scott?" The teacher inquired.

"Here," I said, while giving Samuel a smirk. He smiled back and turned to pay attention to the teacher.

"These will now be your assigned seats for the year, so get to know the people around you. My name is Mr. Ytra. Most students call me Mr. Y," he droned on about supplies and such, not that I was paying any attention.

"Hi, I'm Sophie. What's your name?" I asked the girl sitting in front of me. She was an odd spectacle, her hair was curly and put up in a half finished bun, she had on a MCR t-shirt, was wearing TARDIS earrings, and had gummy bear earbuds in one ear.

"Mellisa, nice to meet you. Anti-possession?" She asked, pointing at my wrist.

"Yep. It's so sad that MCR broke up, they were a great band." I replied.

"I know!" She exclaimed, "Do you want to have lunch at Nacho Sky with me and my friends today?"

"Sounds delicious." I said.

"Miss Scott! Please pay attention to me when I am teaching!" Mr. Y yelled.

"Yes sir" I grumbled, scowling at him. Maybe art won't be as boring as I thought.

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