Home Is Where Your Friends Are

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I was falling asleep at the wheel when I finally got up Jenna's long ass driveway. I stopped the car and stumbled to her door. The sun had gone down a little bit ago and the stars were just beginning to shine. I reached up to ring the doorbell when the door flew open.

"SOPHIE! COME IN HERE I MADE FOOD AND I HAVE BLANKETS AND COFFEE, COME ON!" Jenna screamed with joy. I stumbled in the house, wincing. The snickers bar I had only settled my stomach for a few minutes. I fell onto the couch in a swamp of blankets and Sam handed me a plate of food. Mac and cheese with some applesauce and coffee to drink. I didn't care how crazy the combination was, it tasted like heaven.

"Aren't you glad she's home?!?!" Jenna lowered her voice a little.

"Yeah, good to have you back." Sam smiled as he put his arm around Jenna.

I looked at them suspiciously, "Apparently some shit happened while I was gone," Nodding with my head towards them. Immediately the separated.

"Nothing at all," Sam shook his head quickly. I laughed and sank into the blankets for a good sleep.


Jenna looked at Sophie sleeping. Sam took the empty dishes to the kitchen and she followed him.

"We are going to beat Kiran's ass. Do you see what he put her through?" Jenna whispered as if it would wake the girl in the other room.

"Yea, she looks beat. I wonder what he did to her." Sam put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"I don't care what he did, he will pay." Jenna was set on revenge. She lifted herself onto the counter. Sam moved in front of her.

"Hey, calm down. He will get whatever karma has in store for him." He kissed her on the nose, "It will all work out."

She giggled and kissed him on the lips.

"Okay, maybe something did happen while she was away." Jenna crinkled her nose and poked Sam in the chest.


I woke up to everyone in a circle around the couch.

"Morning sleepyhead." Melissa smiled.

"Look who woke up!" Sydney laughed.

"Yea, what are you all doing here?" I  rubbed the back of my neck and yawned.

"Plotting revenge." And I swear if looks could kill, Jenna would be a serial killer.

"Okay then, what's the plan?" I looked around. Viccy had a devious smile on her face and Sam was holding back a giggle. I raised my eyebrows at them.

Slowly, they all pulled out cherry Kool-Aid packets from behind their backs.

"We were thinking about how Karma is a bitch." Melissa started.

"And how there is that small blow up pool in the park." Viccy continued.

"So maybe we could have him, ya know, 'accidently' fall into it." Sydney chimed in.

"But we will leave the final verdict to you." Jenna finished.

"Don't forget that he is still a little blinded by the spray paint, but the doctors saved his eyes." Sam added after Jenna.

"How do you guys know about the spray paint? How long was I out?" I sank into the couch in shock.

"Only half a day, don't worry. He called his daddy to save him." Viccy reassured me.

"Oh okay. When do we start?" I smiled in the fun of revenge.

Thou Shall Not Fall In Love With The Boy ToyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora