2:00 A.M.

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It was about 10:00 on a Friday night. After what happened yesterday, I decided not to go out. Until I heard a knock at my window, just one. It could be a branch or a person. I opened the blinds carefully and jumped back when I saw Kiran's face in the window. We stared at each other for a minute. I then carefully opened the window.

"What the hell do you want?" I glared at him.

"I was bored and followed you from my house, I just came over to see if you wanted to go on another adventure." He smiled, it was the smile that he used to get all the girls to do whatever he wanted.

"After what you did to Sam? I really don't think so." My voice was heavily laced with disgust.

"I didn't do much to him, he disobeyed. I claimed you as mine." He kept smiling.

"I don't get claimed. I choose who I want to hang out with." I looked into the distance, "Why didn't you go out with another girl tonight? I'm really not this interesting." I squinted a little, and thought I saw a few figures in the distance.

"Well, they say you want what you cant have," He turned to see what I was looking at, "And you are the only girl my charms don't work on."

I wasn't paying attention to him anymore. I realized what those figures were, or more accurately, who. They just happened to be my extremely intoxicated friends, who were basically stumbling through the clear path to my house. I saw Jenna fall and that's when I jumped out of my window and ran past Kiran to go get them out of here and to a safer place than my house maybe Jenna's house or possibly Sydney's. I ran over to them and as I got there I saw another figure behind them running to see what happened. It was Sam.

I picked Jenna up and tried to get the others to follow me when Sam finally caught up.

"Saaaammmyy!" Jenna slurred, "You look *hic* reaaaallly handsome. Have I ever said that before? I don't remember, but I don't remembererer much of anythingelsesthat......" Her words jumbled together as she talked incoherently to the ground.

"Here," I motioned to Sam, "Take her, we need to get them somewhere safer, preferably a house without adults. I will help the other two," Sam picked up Jenna bridal style and carried her back down to the clearing. I took the hands of the other two and helped them walk back down there, thankfully Sydney is smaller and Viccy wasn't that drunk. When we got to the clearing Sam and I tried to think of where we could take them.

"Jenna's? Are her parents home?" Sam suggested.

"She stayed out this late, which means they probably are. Sydney's is always a risk. Viccy's and mine are just out of the question because of our parents." I sat down and tried to think of more places we could get them to safely sober up.

"sammmyyyy...." Jenna was in some little world, but in reality she was trying, and failing, to stroke Sam's face, "You're soooo strong and pretty.....mhm you are....." She yawned a little. Sam shifted her in his arms,

"I know I am pretty," He smiled a bit and kissed her on the top of her head.

"I know! We can go to the abandoned house." I jumped up, "Can you drive?" I looked over at Sam.

"Yea, we can take my mom's car." We started to walk over to his house, which didn't take too long. As we piled into the car I buckled everyone up while Sam backed out of the driveway.

The drive was still about 15 minutes of drunken muttering, sobering up and sleeping. When we got to the house Viccy was sober but vey sleepy, Sydney was still tipsy but she could walk, and Jenna was still far gone. We got them into the house and Sam went away for a couple minutes. I got them to sit on the floor and started to go to the door to look for Sam when he got in with three sleeping bags. He rolled them out on the ground and we put the girls into them to sleep.

"Where did you get those?" I looked at him in suspicion.

"There are always some supplies in the trunk if I ever got lost or anything. My mom is kinda protective." He laughed, "There are some energy bars in there or breakfast or we could go out."

"I have some money in my pockets probably. We should just go out." I wrinkled my nose at energy bars. "And maybe we should catch some sleep too, its 2 in the morning."

"Yea, that would be a good idea." He lied down next to Jenna and closed his eyes.

"Night," I muttered. I was drifting off to sleep when I felt a hand go over my mouth.

"Don't say anything just get up and walk with me." A familiar voice said. I did as he said and I was walked to a car parked a little ways from the detraining house. I got in the passenger side and buckled up, this was going to be one hell of a ride.

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