Revenge Is Sweet

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I called Kiran the next day, Sunday, to apologize for the spray paint. I also suggested meeting up at the park. He agreed and said he also acted out of turn at the barn.

We were ready. We wiped down everything, Kool-Aid packets and all. We put on gloves and turned the pool sweet cherry flavored red around 6 o'clock.  They waited to the side while I was right by the pool standing so Kiran could see me. It was a cool evening, the sunset seemed to have many more colors than usual, the perfect night.

He walked up to me and smiled, a regular smile not his usual smirk.

"Hey, so, uh, I, uh, I'm sorry for kidnapping you." He looked at the ground. Good for us because he didn't pay attention when my friends silently surrounded him.

"Yea, that was horrible of you. Nice sunglasses at night by the way," I smiled, but there was hatred in my eyes.

"That's kinda your fault," He looked up at me. He had little divots in his skin from the corrosive paint.

"Yea, I just got really scared," I wrung my hands together.

"Why are you wearing gloves? It's not that cold outside." He looked at my hands, confused.

"Because it's your turn to be scared." I pushed him backwards into Sam's arms. Kiran was lifted into the sticky sweet red pool.

"WHAT THE?" He was pushed down by Sam into the drink. The bubbles subsided after a little while of us starring.

"Is he dead?" I looked over the edge of the pool.

"So what if he is?" Jenna went over to Sam and kissed him on the cheek, "Alright, we said we would leave the final decision to Sophie, lets go."

They all waved and left Sam and Jenna hand in hand as Melissa told everyone she called it.

I lit up the last cigarette Sam had given me at the beginning of the year. Lots of things had happened, and I have three more years of this too look forward to. The pool had not been disturbed, but I noticed small bubbles coming from where Kiran's body lay. I sighed, why did I have to forgive people? He kidnapped me for god's sake. Oh well, human nature I guess.

I reached into the pool and dragged him out. I put him on the grass and turned to walk away as he was sputtering out the red. I turned back,

"Karma really is a bitch." I took a drag from the last cigarette and dropped it near his face, not bothering to grind it out. He grunted and rolled over coughing up more cherry flavored Kool-Aid.

I walked away, back to my house, my room. It felt like a million years since I had slept in a familiar bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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