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Dear Journal,

Victoria and I plan to sneak out to the cabin tonight while everyone is asleep.

After our plans were concrete we decided to spend the day having fun.

Victoria finally got to tell me in greater detail about her time at camp and she showed me pictures she took on her digital camera.

Afterwards, she took me out to the stables and showed me her horse, Stella, and even insisted I ride on a horse named Blue. The staff were very accommodating and a stable-hand named Russ helped me on and showed me how to hold the reigns and a few commands to get the horse moving and to stay still.

We spent practically the whole day outside and by the time we we had to go inside for supper, I could almost get Blue to trot as fast as Stella. I quite liked spending time with the horses and Victoria said I was a natural, "especially for a beginner."

However, I fear that Claire still does not like me and I don't understand why.

She was all smiles to begin with at supper, just like usual, but when Victoria brought the subject around to us spending the day together, her mood soured.

"Well, Laura is proper good at riding now! Soon she'll be able to ride circles around me." Victoria smiled and dad laughed.

"She must be good for you to say that!" He smiled and my heart melted.

"I wouldn't say I'm that good yet." I shrugged and I saw Claire roll her eyes and rub her stomach.

She only has a month left before the baby is born and her pregnancy hormones were making her very moody. I saw her before supper, searching through several rooms in the house looking for a specific necklace that she misplaced. Honestly, her eyes looked slightly manic.

"Well, I daresay I will have to stop by and watch you ride sometime." My father continued.

"Well, wouldn't that be lovely?" Claire said sarcastically. "You can't make time for a night alone with your wife but you can manage to watch children ride horses."

Father's good attitude had vanished and he called the staff in to clear our dishes. Victoria looked absolutely shocked while I was just confused.

"Girls, you may retire for the evening" Father said but his clenched jaw made it clear that there wasn't a choice in the matter, so Victoria and I quickly vacated our seats and left.

The minute the door shut behind us we could hear Claire say something but couldn't make out what it was.

So a worried Victoria and I agreed to meet each other at midnight at the servants entrance.

I'm not sure what's going on with dad and Claire or if I caused it but I have more important matters to tend to.

It is almost time to sneak to the cabin.

I will write more tomorrow.


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