Chapter 9

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>Chapter 9

It's been a month since I've talked to my brother, since I left his house, since I've talked to Drake. A month ago Drake had tried texting (He got my number from Carlos) and I ignored him, the next day I told him to give me some time. Well he has given me a month, during the month nothing has happened I haven't seen Drake with any other girl, my brother has called me and texted me and emailed me, but I just ignore it. Carlos and me are hanging out pretty much everyday, he lets me know whats new with Drake even if I don't ask him.

"Daddy!" I screamed from my room

"Yeah" my dad screamed back

"I'm going out today" I decided to talk to Dayton about us and everything.

We agreed to meet up in his house at 6 and it was currently 5 so I had to start getting ready. I put on my high waisted jeans with a black tank top and my black booties. I applied some mascara and eyeliners Then I grabbed my car keys and went to the address Dayton had texted me.






I arrived at Dayton's house but I did not expect Drake to open the door.

"Um what are you doing here" he asked me

"I could ask you the same thing"

"My brother lives here"

"Wait Dayton's your brother?" I asked confused

"Yeah is Dayton your boyfriend"

"He used to be"

"Dayton!!" Drake screamed

Dayton came to the door and greeted me then he asked Drake what he wanted. Drake just asked him why I was here and he simply said because she is. Dayton took my hand and led me up to what I assume was his room. He closed the door, took a big bag and a chair. He threw the bag to me and sat in the chair. When I opened the bag there was baby stuff inside.

"What is this?" I asked him confused

"A month after I left I decided I need to actually help you, so I bought all those stuff but then some one called me saying you were putting the baby up for adoption" he told me and I pretty much started tearing up remembering those stuff

"Why are you showing me this stuff?"

"Their stuff for our kid"

"We don't have a kid"

"We are the ones that made that boy not the family that got him"

"We're not the ones taking care of him"

"We could be" he said

"But were not it was a stupid mistake that was to late to fix so it lasted for nine months" I said walking out if the room

"What part was a mistake" Dayton asked walking out to.

"All of it being with you, getting pregnant, trusting you" I shouted at him.

"Wait you got pregnant" Drake said coming out of the kitchen. He wasn't suppose to hear that. I completely forgot he was there.

"Yes she got pregnant and she gave away the baby" Dayton said

I turned to Drake and asked him if he could take me home, he agreed and I walked out of the house. Once we both got in the car it was completely silent.

"I got pregnant when Dayton and I had drunk sex. The week after we did it and came here to visit my brother for two weeks, on the end of the first week I had gone to the doctors and found out. When I came back I told Dayton and he took it well he stayed with me the rest of the school year until he had to go to college and he said 'my education comes first I'm sorry' so he left. A month after he left I decided to give away the baby and well a month after that another family had a baby. Everyone in that city already knew about my pregnancy so I decided to move with my brother. And well here I am." I told him deciding to break the silence.

"Wow" he said

"Um yeah, can you take me home now" he nodded and started driving to my dads house.

When we got there I started getting off the car when Drake stops me.

"Why cant you just forgive me?" He asked me

"You're nice and sweet now but 5 years ago you were an asshole, you and your friends being asshole made me cut myself, made me anorexic, made me move for crying out loud. Sorry for not forgiving me you so fast. But honestly at least I'm even talking to you now so can you for once stop thinking about yourself, think about me. I want to forgive you but every time I come close to forgiving you I remember all the stuff you've done so can you just give me some time please." I screamed at him.

"I'm done with this I'm not gonna wait my whole life for you to forgive me. Whatever we had is done" he said to me

"We never had anything so don't worry" I said slamming his car door shut.






I was trying to fall asleep but a noise wouldn't let me. I got up and checked my window, Dayton was throwing pebbles on my window surprising me. When I opened my window he told me to come outside so I put on my robe and went outside.

"What did you do, that my brother looks and sounds like he just gave birth?" Dayton asked me

"I didn't do anything" I told him sweetly

"I know you very well so I know you did something" he said

"Let me talk to him"

"Fine get in the car"

After about 10 minutes we got to Dayton's house. I walked directly inside, I was about to walk to Drakes room but I had no idea where it was. After Dayton showed me where Drakes room was I walked to it. What I saw surprised me to the max.

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