Chapter 5 - The Nightmare

Start from the beginning

I'm actually going to try to sleep now.

I close my eyes and am about to finally settle down for the night when Lucy's grip on my arms tightens and her brow furrowed. She lets out a slightly terrified moan. "Natsu.... Natsu!" She starts crying. "Plea- Natsu STOP!!!" She tosses and turns and throws herself over me putting her arms over my waist and holding on as tight as she can. " Natsu please don't hurt them! Since you... they're all... I..." She starts to cry tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Lucy." I say quietly and shake her slightly. I sit up. As soon as I'm out of her grip she screams.


"Lucy!" I start to shake her more violently but she won't wake up. "Lucy! LUCY! LUCYLUCYLUCY!!!" I'm shaking her hard now and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs.


"LUCY PLEASE!" I find that I'm crying too.

Suddenly her eyes snap open.

But of course I didn't notice.

"LUCY WAKE UP!" My face is buried in her chest. 911 can help.... Wait Juvia used to be a nurse right?!

"N-Natsu?" I look up. "Lucy..." More tears roll down her cheeks and she starts to shake. "Natsu it was horrible." I grab her and pull her into my arms.

"Do you wanna tell me happened?" She slowly and quietly nods.

She sniffles.

"Fairytail was a guild instead of a school and everyone had powers.... You had fire, Gray had ice, Erza had some weird sword equipping thing, Gajeel had iron and so on. You ate fire instead of normal food and your father was still alive and you were really close. Me and you were married but suddenly your father died. You went insane, kidnapped me and found out that I was pregnant. You found that inside me was a dragon human mix and that if you stole it's fire you could-"

She stifles a sob.

"Natsu you wanted to rip the baby from inside me and dissect it! Stealing its life force!"

She grips my shoulder but I can tell she wants to move away from me.

She's scared. Of me.

I run my hand through her hair. "Shhhh Luce it's ok. That was just a dream. I'm here and our babies in their and they're not going anywhere." I push her back and hold her face. "See this loving look." I point at my face. "It's here for you and it always will be. My father is already dead and nothing could drive me to ever do something as horrible as that. You are my life. Not my deceased and abusive father. Not my imprisoned brother. Certainly not Grey. You, Lucy Heartfilia are the love of my life and that will never change." I lift up her chin. "Got it?" She nods and smiles.

She leans up.

I lean down.

"Natsu." She whispers quietly.

"Lucy." I whisper even quieter.

I lick my lips and stare at hers.

She looks into my eyes.

Our lips connect.

We kiss for what feels like the first real time.

Two kisses in one chapter :P

Happy Marti Gras!!! For those who celebrate and those who don't. (I'm not religious I'm just there for the party ;)

I tried to make a longish chapter. I'm sosososososo sorry I have updated recently!!!

Anyways if anyone cares here's what happened when I was gone:

-Won district science fair moving on to state
-Got in he middle of a weird friend drama that's starting to....

-Messed up horribly in a piano recital

-My mom got in a car crash

-currently in an airplane

-made new friends

-Someone confessed their love (~0.0)~

-Started Attack on Titan

-Eren is mine

-Finished Voltron

-Auditioned for a play

-The play was canceled btw

-Nope sorry the plays back on

-Oh wait.

-no it's not.

-transferred to higher level Spanish.

-had other eventful stuff happen in my life that I currently can't remember

-oh yeah my sister threw up all over me


For next chapter:

7 Votes


(LoL that feels like nothing.)


Baes have a nice life.




The Baby Project (NaLu) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now