Chapter Forty Eight: Try

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It took Paul forever to reply; I was starting to think that he hadn't heard what I had said. I couldn't even remember what I had said. Yet, somehow, there were tears falling from my eyes and I was shivering, despite it being in the mid-twenties outside.

"So yeah, that is it, that is all," I said quietly, my eyes still not focusing. The crying was not going to help in the slightest but hey ho, I had no clue what I was doing.

"Saskia, we need to get you somewhere safer, because I have no idea in hell what you are going on about..."

"If you must," now I was the one taking a long time to answer. "I need to go to the toilet though, in case something bad has happened. Paul, what if?"

Suddenly, there was a strong grip upon my shoulders and I was pulled up off my feet. Naturally, I wobbled, but Paul held me tight.

"Come on, we are going back to my room. I don't know where Dan is, although I know his phone doesn't have any charge in it - he told me earlier, which is fucking typical."

"Please don't be angry with me," I blubbed, my arms pushed up against Paul as he manhandled me. "I was not drinking alcohol and I don't know why this happened. I didn't want to drink alcohol because I was worried and there is a possibility that I am having a baby because I keep being sick and haven't had a period in almost two months now."

"Hey, it's alright, Sassy," Paul reassured me, leading me to the outside and to our hotel which was near enough opposite. Or was that the taxi rank? "There is a car here for us. Hold on tight and we'll be back at my room in no time, I promise."

And that is when I blacked out completely.


The first thing I saw when I woke up was a bin which had been placed next to me, presumably for me to throw up in. The second thing I saw was Paul; he was staring right at me, his eyes wide.

I was beyond confused and felt dizzy. Dizzy as in something either hadn't agreed with me, or an alcohol induced dizziness.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned, wondering what on earth had happened.

"Paul?" I stuttered, checking to see if I could feel my hands and feet. I could, which was a good sign if ever there was one. "What is going on? Why am I in your room? Where is Lizzie?"

"Okay, one question at a time my friend," the personal trainer gave me a stern look. "Are you feeling okay? No pins and needles or anything?"

I held still and then gave my hand another wiggle. All was well so I shook my head, further perplexed.

"Your drink was spiked," Paul continued, reaching over to his bedside table to retrieve a bottle of water. He then handed it to me and told me to sit up, slowly. I took his advice, I didn't feel like doing anything quickly.

But then I processed what Paul had said and my blood ran cold. Now my limbs were numb. The Aussie must have clocked that I had gone as white as a sheet. My bottom lip was now quivering.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" he asked gently. We can get the team doctor if you would rather?"

"No!" I said all too fast. "I mean no to the doctor."

"Sas, there is obviously something going'll feel better if you get it out your system."

I was sceptical.

"Where is Daniel?" was all I could manage.

"I don't know, I think he is still partying." Paul nodded at the water and I took another sip. "Look, you said something to me earlier when I found you...I just wanna make sure that you're alright. Your health comes first."

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