Chapter 48 - Til' Death Do Us Part

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"Mom! Seriously, please, let me think!" I shouted at her, panicking.
"I don't know the answer to any of those questions yet. I can't answer anything, because I haven't thought about it yet, okay?! I'm stressed enough as it is. I'm not producing enough milk to breastfeed the twins. Just please give me a fucking break!" I cried. And finally, the dam had been broken, and the tears began to fall freely.

Innocently, my mom, ever the pragmatist, wanted to deal with this head on.

But this was my life, my kids' life that would be affected I couldn't make abrupt decisions based off my emotions. Surprisingly my mum didn't chastise me for swearing, especially in front of my kids.

"Can you watch the kids please, I'm going for a drive to clear my head."

I turned and grabbed my keys off the counter, but before I could leave the house, my mom called me back.

"Sophie, baby I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. But I promise, me and your dad are here for you. We'll support you through anything. So whatever you need, all you have to do is ask."

I nodded, and closed the door behind me.

It was dark out, I didn't know where I was going to drive to but I just knew I needed space to think.

As I approached my car, I just knew something was amiss. As I neared it, goosebumps appeared on my arms and the chill that ran down my spine gave way to a crippling fear inside me.

Little black crystals were glistening on the pavement and in the road. My tires had been sliced and diced and looked like deflated balloons. My side mirrors? Gone. All my windows shattered, the evidence on the pavement and on the seats in the car. I walked around surveying the damage in shock. When I reached the rear of the car, that's where the Mona Lisa of this really ended. On my black SUV, spray painted on the back window, in bright red was a statement that left no confusion about who did this to my car.

I'd been crying before, but I was in so much shock, standing on the side of the road that I was motionless, lifeless, at this point. Was I shocked that Jonathan had did this? No, the signs were there. His abusive ways, his apologies, followed by the lies are what got him this far.

After about ten minutes, I walked back to my moms house.

"Honey, is that you?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"I need you to get Logan out of the pantry, I think he's eaten all your candy in there and Sophia will kill m-"

By this point I'd made it to the kitchen, I walked in solemnly.

"Oh it's you, Soph, back already? What's wrong with you, you look like you've seen a ghost? Everything ok-"

"Call the police mom."

"Call the who- wait, what? Why?"

"Just call them." I said as I went to get Logan from the pantry.

"What's happened? Are you going to tell me what's going on?" My mom called bouncing Kane on her hip.

I sat at the counter I'd been at less than thirty minutes ago, and I stood Logan on the countertop as I emptied his pockets of candy.

Read Between the LiesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora