Amelia meeting Charlie in D.C. over tour (Deleted Scene)

Start from the beginning

Natalie laughed.

"Is that seriously why you decided to become a lawyer?" Natalie asked.

Charlie nodded.

"You have to tell me more," Natalie said.

Amelia spoke before Charlie could.

"A lawyer had come to Charlie's school and talked about everything he did. Charlie's one question had been whether the man always wore the same thing. When the answer had come back yes, it was then he decided that it was a lawyer he wanted to be."

Amelia's grin went mocking as she looked at Charlie.

"How does it feel to now know you can wear the exact same thing to work everyday?"

"Like the most freeing thing in the world. I'm glad I had my priorities straight from the beginning. I hated having to decide what to wear each Saturday and Sunday. You have to admit I was a brilliant 9 year old," Charlie said.

"Charlie, that was something I have never doubted," Amelia said "When do you official find out?"

Charlie let out an annoyed sigh.

"Ah, yes, well that's the thing. I won't find out for about two months. It varies but it will be about that time. I will stay at the internship until I find out. After that they will either offer me a position or not. I don't doubt they will."

"Charlie, that's amazing."

He shrugged.

"Now, how is tour going? Everyone behaving?"

They passed the rest of the lunch in talk of how their days had been spent that last few weeks, keeping the conversation light, making jokes about the intensity of lawyers and the careless attitudes of musicians.

Natalie broke up their lunch, announcing she had an appointment to get to. Charlie and Amelia decided on a walk and headed toward the monuments.

They moved under the shade of the trees lining the mall. A slight breeze rustled the branches above them and sent the leaves chattering amongst themselves. A world of accents and different languages swam around them. Amelia and Charlie walked as if in slow motion, the world rushing about them, ignored by them as they were lost to time and place. As their talk of the previous weeks died away, Charlie's face took on an apologetic look.

"Aims, I'm sorry I've missed your texts the last few nights."   

"Its okay," she said.

"You sure?"

A blush raced across Amelia's face, a smiling pulling at the corners of her mouth.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Amelia said, unable to meet Charlie's questioning gaze.

He pulled up short and turned to face Amelia.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing." Charlie's tight scowl didn't lessen. "I've been talking to Sebastian instead, since you haven't answered," Amelia said, keeping her tone casual.

A small knowing smile crept on to Charlie's face and softened his features.

"Is that so?" he said.

Amelia's blush returned and she pulled Charlie into walking.

"You serious about him?" Charlie asked.

Sebastian's face floated to the front of Amelia's mind and she bit her lower lip, holding in the goofy grin.

"Yes. I thought things might change over the tour." She shrugged. "I don't know I thought maybe if I couldn't see him my feelings would slowly go away. But they haven't. It's funny but I think I like him more now than I did when we were in the same state. Or I'm just actually admitting it now. Who knows which it is."

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