"Goodness, no!" Grell exclaimed. "That book just loves to teach people that it's okay to rape others for our needs."

"I just figured we could learn a thing or two involving ropes," Ronald said.

Grell chuckled. "Honey, you are much better off learning from me than anyone else. These authors don't know a thing when it comes to coupling."

Ronald's cheeks flushed red. "Well in that case, how about you spare me a lesson tonight? Perhaps you can show me right and wrong..." He could only imagine the excitement that was yet to come.

"Darling, we can't tonight."

Ronald's face fell. "What? Why not?"

"Why not?" Grell gave Ronald a strange look. "We have plans tonight, remember? We're going to the new club that opened recently."

"Oh yeah... I've been wanting to go there since they first constructed it!"

"Me too. But the only problem is that I don't know what to wear." Grell sighed gloomily, making Ronald laugh a little.

Ronald smiled and gently took Grell's hand, swinging it as he walked side to side with Grell through campus.

"Don't worry, my dear. Whatever you wear, you are still mine."

The whole time, William sat on the other side of the library. He tried to stay focused in his daily studies but he couldn't help but be distracted by the ruckus Grell was causing. It appalled him by the way she spoke to the librarian but he figured it was best if he didn't step into matters that didn't concern him. If that wasn't bad enough, he had to listen to the conversation between Grell and Ronald.

Grell just so happened to be his roommate this past year and by miracle he was able to cope. William did everything he could in the beginning to get a new roommate as he couldn't stand Grell's overbearing personality but the system was set in roommate assignments.

Therefore, William had to learn to tolerate the redhead. His textbooks and headphones were his survival tools. Eventually however, William's desire to change roommates diminished as he realized Grell is actually quite interesting to be around, even if she is obnoxious. But despite that, Grell is an average A student. William couldn't help but admire that.

William chuckled. He wondered what it would be like to actually work with someone like Grell...

Later that evening, Grell and Ronald had their outing. Among the crowds, Grell and Ronald were showing off as they conquered the dance floor. The music boomed throughout the whole club, which was so large it could fit a whole one-story house. In the darkness, the lights provided were the multicolored nights.

"Boy, am I parched," Ronald said after an hour of hardcore dancing.

"Shall we get some drinks then? It's on me."

"Yes, please. But are you sure you wouldn't rather have me pay it? A lovely lady such as yourself deserves to be spoiled by her man."

"I insist. Tonight's a special night." They smiled at each other and headed over to the bar where Grell purchased some drinks for the both of them.

"This shall be dedicated in celebration for the four months we've been together," Ronald said.

"Agreed, and more that's yet to come."

They made a toast and sipped their drinks. They were nothing like the drinks they've had before. It was indescribably unique. So fresh combined with ingredients with who knows what. It was so good that despite them normally sticking to a minimum of one drink at a time, Grell and Ronald went back for another before going back to dancing.

A few hours later, as midnight passed, Grell and Ronald were out of breath and their clothes stuck uncomfortably to their skin. But they didn't care. They were having too much fun.

"Want to get another drink, darling?" Grell offered.

Ronald hiccuped. "Haven't we had five already?"

Grell giggled. "We can never have too much on this kind of night."

"Can't agree with that more!" Ronald cackled, finding Grell's small laughter to be contagious. He knew he had quite a bit to drink but he doubted that had any effect on him up to this point. Grell went and bought more drinks for the both of them in which they chugged down immediately.

Grell smiled in satisfaction from the refreshing alcoholic beverage. "As much as I would like to stand around here, I really must use the Lady's Room."

"I'll wait for you then." Ronald winked.

Grell pecked her boyfriend's lips, catching a taste of the drinks from them. She then proceeded to excuse herself and made his way to the restrooms.

She padded over to the sinks and looked herself in the mirror. Just a few hours ago, she had came in with her hair on point and looked full of life, ready to party. But now, her skin was coated in sweat. She was probably only one of the many that made the whole place stuffy. Do they ever plan on opening a door?

Her hair was sweaty and matted to her forehead. The next thing she noticed was her eyes. Instead of its normally practically glowing emerald, it happened to be mixed in with red. Just how did her eyes get so bloodshot?

Oh well, Grell thought. She was having too much fun to care. It didn't help that she was tipsy, no matter how much she didn't want to admit it.

Grell splashed some water on her face and washed her hands. After she finished refreshing herself, she headed out and searched for her boyfriend.

"Ronald?" She looked around but all she saw were crowds of drunken college-aged students. Where the devil was he, Grell wondered.

She walked through the crowds and checked the bar area. Nothing. Frustrated, Grell took a seat on the stool and ordered another drink. Between sips, she scanned around.

Did he go to the restroom or something?

Drink in her hand, Grell stood on her toes, looking over everyone's heads. In the back, there was some sort of lounge room with sofas. A familiar-looking blonde sat on one of them.


Grell made her way to her target, fighting her way through the crowds once more.

"Ronald!" She said when he finally made it through. "I've been looking all over for-" She stopped mid-sentence when she saw what was happening right in front of her. Somehow Grell fighting through crowds provided enough time for a young, attractive woman to come sit on Ronald's lap and here they were, making out shamelessly in front of everyone, even Grell.

"What the devil is going on here!?" Grell stood there clenching her fists at her sides, fury rising in her eyes.

The two pulled apart and looked at the redhead.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" The woman asked.

"No, but unless you want the walls painted with YOUR shades of red, how about you get your skanky fanny off MY boyfriend?"

The woman giggled. "YOUR boyfriend?" She raised an eyebrow. "From how well he's treating me... I would have to say you're lying." She went to plant kisses all around Ronald's neck.

"Ronald!" Grell scolded. "Aren't you going to do anything? How could you let her be all over you like that!? You have a girlfriend you know!"

Ronald looked Grell in the eye and smiled. "Correct."

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