
381 47 15

:.: second to last chapter ahhhh :.:

Monday, February 13, 2017

[unknown number]: if i were to choose a word to describe you, it would be wonderful
because you are brave, but full of fear
because you wear leather jackets, but read romance novels
because you hate painting, but take art classes
because playing piano makes your fingers cramp, but you give lessons
because you compliment those who are ugly,
help those who are in need,
tell the truth to those who are lied to
and what about that isn't inexplicably wonderful?

[Dean]: cas
sent 1:59am

[Dean]: i'm sorry
sent 2:15am

[unknown number]: i know
sent 3:02am

[Dean]: how can you call me wonderful after what i did to you
sent 3:06am

[unknown number]: because you are
sent 3:08am

[Dean]: but i broke your heart
sent 3:09am

[unknown number]: i have bandaged it
sent 3:10am

[Dean]: why did you start texting me again anyway
sent 3:14am

[Dean]: not that i mind or anything
sent 3:14am

[unknown number]: i want to see you again
sent 3:17am

[Dean]: when
sent 3:17am

[Dean]: where
sent 3:17am

[Dean]: why
sent 3:18am

[unknown number]: when- tomorrow, at 11:11
where- beneath the weeping willow at our pond
why- i find i can't get over losing you
sent 3:21am

[Dean]: i'll be there
sent 3:23am

[Dean]: i won't let you down again
sent 3:23am

[unknown number]: i know
sent 4:29am

love messages ; d.w + c.n  [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now