
436 45 11

Thursday, February 9, 2017

[unknown number]: it is not 11:11
but i still will make a wish
if it will come true, i do not know
though every night, it is the same
i always wish for you

[Dean]: wishing never gets you anywhere
sent 12:17am

[Dean]: just a bag of expectations, heartache, and misplaced hope
sent 12:19am

[Dean]: that was kinda poetic
sent 12:26am

[Dean]: i guess you're rubbing off on me
sent 12:27am

[Dean]: or maybe i had it in me the whole time
sent 12:29am

[Dean]: now that was definitely too cliché
sent 12:30am

[unknown number]: you definitely had it in you the whole time
sent 1:24am


tonight's spn is literally the only thing getting me through today.
i hope you're all well & remember to stay hydrated and take care of yourself, you matter.

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