
423 46 62

Sunday, February 12, 2017

[unknown number]: the way i loved you was different
pretty girls showed their love in phone numbers and lip gloss stains
friends showed their love in funny jokes and a shoulder to cry on
family showed their love in hugs and life advice
they loved you sweetly
but i loved you violently
my heart would threaten to beat right out my chest,
lumps would tangle in my vocal chords,
my palms would sweat,
i would blink too fast,
constantly pinch myself to remind me that this- that you, are real
and every single thing about your existence would consume me
from the way you laughed with your entire body
to the freckles that dotted your shoulder blades
but perhaps i loved you too violently
and that is why you let me go

[Dean]: why in the hell would i ever let you go
sent 12:17am

[Dean]: your way with words is a gift
sent 12:18am

[Dean]: and you seem like such an amazing girl
sent 12:20am

[Dean]: so why would i let such a good thing go?
sent 12:21am

[unknown number]: because i am a boy
sent 1:46am

[Dean]: wait what
sent 1:48am

[unknown number]: homosexuality does exist you know
sent 1:50am

[Dean]: i may be an idiot, but i'm not that stupid
sent 1:51am

[Dean]: i just never thought a boy would fall in love with me
sent 1:54am

[unknown number]: it is not that a boy fell in love with you, but that you fell in love with a boy
sent 1:56am

[Dean]: cas?
sent 2:19am

[unknown number]: always
sent 3:03am

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