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The amazingly supportive messages that flooded in literally 5 minutes after I updated made me realise how incredible you guys are and how much I needed to get my ass moving! So much love to you all 🤡 (That emoji is creepy as hell but for some reason works for me real well)

And apologies again for how long this took! 😭

(Don Benjamin as Tanner 👅😍)

Trailing sluggishly into the kitchen with my silky yellow pyjamas, yawning unattractively and rubbing a fist into my left eye to try and erase my blurry vision, the last thing I expected to find was someone digging through our fridge.

Someone other than Harry, that is. 

Brown eyes met green; one pair in a state of utter shock and one narrowed in appreciation. I let out a high pitched cheep and dived behind the wall, my heart pounding and any remaining sleep shocked straight out of my system as I stood there horrified at the intruder that was digging through our fridge and probably going to steal my chocolate before brutally murdering me and leaving me as a mere corpse for Harry to find whenever he appeared from where-

"What're you doing hiding over here, cutie?"

My inner ramblings cut off abruptly as I slowly turned my head to meet pale green eyes against beautifully tanned skin making my soon-to-be murderer look very exotic and not to mention attractive. In the time that I had been nervously rambling to myself in my head he had managed to walk over to my not very successful hiding place.

If he murders me, I will come back to haunt Harry for leaving me here to die a painful and bloody death at the hands of this angelic looking devil-

The stranger snapped his fingers in front of my face when I got lost once again in my rambles.
I let out a small yelp, my eyes widening in fear as I blinked up at him in shock wondering if he was deciding wether to finger paint with my blood before or after my brutal murder.

"Good morning, I'm Tanner. It's nice to meet you, I'm a friend of Harry's." He introduced holding out a hand for me to shake.

I breathed a sigh of relief, my common sense leaking into my brain enough for me to realise that he looked familiar, his tanned, tatted arms niggling a memory from the back of my mind. 

"Uh, have we met?" I asked tentatively reaching forward and shaking only his fingertips carefully, still feeling somewhat suspicious. He chuckled heartily.

"Not exactly. I was Harry's best man at your wedding, but we weren't introduced because Harry's lives with a stick shoved so far up his ass." He scoffed with an eye roll making me giggle nervously as I slowly un-plastered myself from the wall and began edging around the corner back into the kitchen still feeling slightly wary, but because he was best man at the wedding he must be trustworthy to Harry and must be a good friend of Harry's, so I felt for that reason I wasn't in any real danger around this Tanner dude.

"Oh, well um, I'm Clover, it's very nice to meet you too." I said with a small, yet bright smile as I made my way to the fridge suddenly remembering that he was searching for something in it before. Maybe he was hungry? "Would you like some breakfast? I'm just about to make some for Harry and I-- I'm just saying because you were looking through the fridge so I'm assuming you're hungry? Not that I'm saying I minded you looking through the fridge! But maybe you'd like something to eat?It's quite early in the morning, oh wait! How rude of me, you might not like eggs. I was about to make some eggs but I can make something else if--"

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