Chapter 1: You're Kidding Me

Start from the beginning

Too formal if you ask me.

Stupid coke.

I finally spot a towel and walk towards the sink to reach it, while feeling the stranger's gaze on my back.

I confirm my thoughts as I turn back at him with an expressionless face intact. He moves his gaze somewhere else, as I walk towards him. I try drying off the coke stain off his shirt, but as I get frustrated he takes the towel, slowly brushing his long warm fingers against my own cold ones, which was weird considering that my insides and my cheeks, were burning up from embarrassment.

I was so close to him that I noticed his features so clearly. His hair so blonde, it was almost the color of sand although the texture wasn't raspy or rough-looking, it looked so soft, wanting to be touched, but I resisted. His eyes were light blue the same color as the sky, they held softness in them. I couldn't help myself as my eyes roamed further down to his broad shoulders to his packed packs.

Why was I always meeting these big, handsome guys who were no good for me? Was this another test, to see if I would take the bait? Well, I'm not falling for it.

"Are you not enjoying the party?" He takes me out of my thoughts, as he asks me a question with a raised eyebrow. I sigh and look out into the backyard where everybody was still smiling, enjoying the warm weather.

"It's not that. Its. ." Sadness was evident in my voice, and I didn't want him asking questions so I changed the mood of it. "It's the airplane ride, that's all." I faked smiled. He nodded.

Maybe he was convinced. I don't know and I didn't care.

I just gave him a curt nod and left, even though I saw as he opened his mouth, nevertheless I ignored it and went up to my old room. And I left it from there.

The day after, I received a call from the director whom Francisco was talking about. The director from college was pleased by my grades and my behavior from high school, though, since I was in the mafia we agreed that I wouldn't dare get in trouble.

I guess being in the mafia had its perks since Fransisco knew so many people, but I still don't want to go back. Not ever. The thought just made me shiver. I can't go back.

I only ruin things.

Then a couple of weeks later I decided to finally go to college. I couldn't bear looking at my old room. It just brought me even more depressing thoughts and I couldn't do that to myself.

Though being back with Taylor and her family made me happy. They accepted me still as one of their daughters even though I was gone for a year and barely called. We went shopping for college things and the money wasn't even a problem. I had so much leftover so I bought things for them and paid rent for living there, yet I still had some more.

They never did ask where I got the money from, which was good.

But besides that, I had started unpacking my boxes from my car with the help of Taylor and her husband, and while they were already on their way towards my room, I had almost dropped a box till it landed in someone's arms. I looked up and realized it was him.

The coke stained stranger.

I had looked at him weirdly and thanked him.

Long story, short; Taylor had called him to help out. I thought he was a stalker.

Afterwards we all had dinner at a nearby restaurant and then Taylor and her husband had to leave early because their kids were alone at home, and then it was just the coke stained stranger-Calum was his name, and I.

It wasn't weird at all, in fact it was the best day I've had since Ethan and I ate at the breakfast place. He was really funny and charming. He also went to college to get credits for his academic classes and was in the national guard. He wanted to be in the army. He had an older brother and two little sisters. They're the cutest little things, really.

Eventually, we had started talking more, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and we had a lot in common too. By then we had developed feelings for each other.

And it has been 2 years. 2 years of pure happiness.

Also, 2 years since I've heard from Fransisco, but more importantly, Chris.

I know I said I was happy. . .but Chris was my cousin for Godsake. He hasn't called in two years. TWO YEARS. I guess he didn't care for me nor about me. He basically deserted me.

I laugh bitterly to myself, almost forgetting about my patient. I didn't want the parent to think I was crazy even though I knew I was already crazy. I mean who wasn't?

But I slept with a gun in my nightstand next to me, real close. I didn't want to die. Calum made me want to live. He was my air, my drug, my everything. But that wasn't craziness.

Do you know when you dated that one special guy? That guy who was there to comfort you, to hold you, to help you heal? Well, Calum was that special guy.

I shake all these thoughts from my head and finally send Madison's information into the system and wash my hands, preparing for my next patient. "Okay Ang-"

I drop the wet paper towels that I used to dry my hands with, when I look at the persons standing in front of me.


And Chris.

Oh, fuck my life.

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