Family dinner

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We pull up to the house and a lady is standing outside the house waiting for us I guess. "Hey mom!" Scott yells hugging her who I guess is our mom.

"Are these the two little kiddos I adopted??" She looks at Nate and smiles then at me and kind of holds herself back from saying something about my outfit.

"Hey I'm Kai

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"Hey I'm Kai." I smile waving and she hugs me but I push her away lightly. "I don't do hugs." I say walking into the house Nate following.

"What do you need to tell me?" He asks sitting on my bed as I grab my clothes and change in the bathroom while talking to him.

"So I think I like Scott because whenever he is around I'm happy and his little 'girlfriend' he has makes me pissed off which I know is bad and I hate this but I can't hold it back anymore." I say coming out not facing Nate. "And I'm a werewolf." I bite my lip looking at Nate with my golden eyes shinning bright and I start to cry.

"Why are you crying

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"Why are you crying. I'm here to help." He smiles and shows me his gold eyes and I smile jumping in his arms while hugging him.

"Kai..." Scott stands at the bottom of the steps looking at me with a frown.

"Scott..." I blush walking past him to go have dinner with mom as a family.

I sit at the table next to mom and we wait for the two boys and Scott comes up smirking and Nate biting his lip. I sigh and mom looks at me handing me a bowl of salad. I grab the bowl taking two scoops, passing it on to Scott but he touches my hand and I blush looking away. Eating some of my salad mom starts a conversation while I'm right in the middle of a huge bite of salad.

"So where do you guys come from?" She motions towards Nate and I so I chew very slowly.

"I'm from Ireland." Nate smiles giving us the peace sign looking at me hoping I would answer soon.

I swallow slowly then thinking about what I should say. "I'm actually from Alaska but I was born in Hawaii." I smile taking a chicken leg from the plate on the table. "But as people like to say I'm an Eskimo. This was me like 2 months before you adopted me." I pull out a picture handing it to mom.

"My hair was natural which I'm gonna try and get it back to that soon cause I liked it

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"My hair was natural which I'm gonna try and get it back to that soon cause I liked it. But I also like the fake colored roots." I smile giving a piece sign to everyone and I stand up to wash my plate so I can go watch tv in my room or talk to mom about getting me a phone.

"Mom!" I yell slightly sitting on the kitchen counter as she comes in smiling giving me 'what's up' look. "I was wondering since we are here and have a good home if we could get phones so if something happens I can contact you." I smile looking at her playing with my lip piercing with my tongue.

"Sure does Nate want or need one?" She asks looking at me cleaning up the dinner mess.

"He needs one as well when we were in the orphanage we never got anything nice except clothes and that was maybe once or twice a month." I shrug hopping down and she nods.

"What color?" She turns and looks at me before I enter the living room.

"Nate likes matte black and I like rose gold." I smile plopping on the couch cuddling with a pillow.


     I sighed softly and slowly got off my bed when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and Melissa walked in and closed the door with a small bag in her hand. I sat on my bed and She grabbed the chair from my computer desk and sat in front of me. "So.... Your stuff came in today....  And I just wanna make sure your ready for this." Melissa said holding the bag in her hand. I smiled softly and nodded "Definitely". She handed me the bag and I pulled out my T. "Do you need help?"  She asked. "No, but I'm gunna want Kai in here with me." I said examining the bottle. She nodded then went to get Kai. Maybe not even half a second later I heard a loud as squeal. I smiled when She barged into my room and screamed. "I know I'm happy too". I said still fascinated by the bottle. I put it back into the bag then put it on the top shelf above my bed. "What are you doing?" Kai questions. "I want Sti and Scott here." I smiled.
    I smiled and grabbed the bag when My Brother and Stiles came in. After a while I was finally able to use the needle. I pulled it out of my leg then put it away. I looked in the mirror and just smiled. "I think I should Cut and Dye my hair". I said fluffing it. Kai laughed and the other two just shook their heads. "I'ma let Stiles do it this time." I said. "Well Good luck. Don't let him Kill you." Kai said to Stiles. "What". He squeaked.  I smiled then rolled my eyes.

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