Chapter 4

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Melissa's POV 

I had processed all the information Gen gave me and rested all the way to the academy. I was asleep when I heard Gen yelling at me to wake up.

"Wake up you lazy hobo!" Gen yelled.

"I'm up.I'm up!" Dude i was tired. I wanted to sleep.

"Get you're lazy butt up and follow Claire and me!" she yelled once again.

"I get it stop yelling!"I yelled back.

I followed them out the jet and saw we were surrounded by forest but we weren't in an airport. We were at the academy already and it was huge. We followed Claire inside and it was so beautiful.There was a reception with a beautiful chandelier.We walked up to the secretary since the reception was empty because it was the middle of the night.

"How  may I help you?"asked the secretary.

"Melissa and Genevieve  the new students," Claire said.

"Oh yes I'll print out their schedules right now," she said.

"Here are their schedules and dorm keys. You should get to bed. You're uniforms are in the drawers,"she said taking us towards our rooms which were on the third floor. This academy had eight floors (huge).

"Thank you and good-night ," I said.

Gen and I went in the dorm straight to bed. Tomorrow will be an exciting day.

ElementalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora