Chapter 8

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The next day I was dying. Of course, not really, but I felt like I was dying.

I wanted to stab Sheridan with his microphone. I wanted to punch his face by his guitar. Strangle him with my hands. I wanted to resurrect it and then drown. Then again restored to life and burned at the stake.

Although I still thought about the sequence. Tempting was the arson of his car with Sheridan inside. Let's say in the trunk.

I felt like a zombie because of this idiot. I had to drink so much because of him, in one hundred percent.I had to did it to survive that evening.

Let him be accursed forever.

After an all-night partying I slept maybe two hours, and then Kathy woke me up. I didn't oversleep thanks to her, really. I hadn't heard the alarm clock, I was out like a light. I wore yesterday's clothes, fortunately it wasn't vomited. Only my shirt smelled like a whiskey. I had to pour it on myself, which I hadn't noticed yesterday.

When I came back to the hotel last night everything was kind of a blur. Including the moment when one of Sheridan's bodyguards helped me get into the room. Immediately I went to the bed, even without washing my teeth. And I fucking regret this, because after waking up I felt the terrible taste in my mouth. I wanted to vomit with disgust, but I wasn't able to. Fortunately, I had an empty stomach.

Kathy had to pour on my face cold water so that broke me free from the land of dreams. Then I woke up screaming hoarsely and I felt lust for murder. Kathy moved away fast enough, I realized that it was just she and I owe her at least one beer. Despite this, I thought that she should wake me up in a more civilized manner.

Did I not suffered enough last day and night?

Don't want to remind her of that. If I overslept that Miranda would give me a penalty push-ups, at least a hundred. She hates when someone cames to her training late. And she doesn't tolerate dancers on hung over.

And I definitely had a hangover. My head's been pulverized. Any louder sound caused painful throbbing behind my eyes. Even after drinking the water, I felt sick. Bright light caused pain like a migraine. In addition, each step made me suffer. My feet were swollen after yesterday's workout, walking and night dance. I had terrible soreness the muscles of the lower part of my body. Actually, only my shoulders and back didn't hurt me.

Twice I thoroughly brushed my teeth and took a shower. Then I looked in the mirror and I scared myself because of big purple bruises under my eyes. It is visible proof that I didn't sleep much last night. My face was even paler than usual, which gave me a terrible look. I didn't want to do makeup, I shrugged my arms.

The whole day I will frighten the people as a zombie, I decided resigned. I walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and went to the closet to take out some clothes. I had forgotten to take it with me earlier

Kathy came over to me. She was dressed in a black trainingoutfit. She held ballet shoes in one hand and waved them.  We were practicing "Love" till noon.  After breake we will start practicing a new choreography for "What you need", so Miranda told us to get dressed as usual in spite of everything. We just had to shoes for change.

"And how was it? Tell me! Was date good? Where were you? At a concert? Why hadn't you answer your phone all evening? " Kathy asked questions at the speed of machine gun. Also she spoke louder and a little bit shrill because of her excitement.  I groaned when pain shot through my temples. I covered my face with my hands.

God, have mercy.

" Please, quieter. I'm dying here and suffer, don't you see? " I croaked and rubbed my hands over my face.

I got hoarseness due to drinking cold drinks. I also had a little-scuffed throat. Because singing, or rather screaming. Each swallow saliva was painful. I looked at Kathy and I saw her smile becomes smaller. Her face appeared worried.

"He got you drunk and he used you, right? Have you got a broken heart? " She asked a little quieter. " My poor Livia,  you will surely forget about him... "

I was surprised that the idea frowned and shook my head.  I began to regret it immediately. The throbbing in my head was getting stronger. I closed my eyes, breathing quietly. I took a deep breath and exhale. And then again. It helped a little.

 I hated whiskey officially wholeheartedly.

"No, he didn't do anything to me ... I mean, I drank, it's a fact. I only have a hangover so shhh..."I said in a hoarse voice, almost whispered the last word. I went to the closet.

"But where were you?" She asked more curiously tone. She was reassured that Sheridan didn't pour me all night and he didn't use me.

I took a random training pants and comfortable shirt on straps, it was black with the inscription 'Do not talk to me.'

It's destiny, as much as anything. The perfect T-shirt matched the mood. I hope everyone reading this inscription give me peace of mind today and nobody will be speaking to me. It definitely would help me survive the coming day.

" I'll tell you everything later, I promise. And now I beg you, Kathy, shut up."

I didn't pay attention without to the fact that she had such a high voice.

" Okay, but you will tell me everything. " She said beaming, just like she didn't care about me and my headache. "I know what will help you."

She put her shoes on the table and walked to the window. She opened a window on a wide, into the room fell cold morning air. I felt pleasant cold on my skin and I sighed with satisfaction. Kathy was silent, and I just stood and letting the wind brushed my forehead. It made my pain smaller.

She cared about me.

I smile but I stopped when the sun looked from the clouds and fell on my face. I hissed and immediately closed my eyes. I felt as if vibrating needle digging into my skull from the inside.

"Oops, sorry. I should have covered the curtains," Kathy whispered and walked to the window, she wanted to cover the curtains.

But I waved my hand. In the end, in the training room was a lot of windows and without any curtains or blinds.

" Don't worry, it's nothing compared to what awaits me." Automatically I cleared my throat and croaked, as always when I had a slight hoarseness.

I felt as strong as hell sore throat and I wanted to punch myself in the head because of my stupidity.

Remember: don't clean throat when you have scuffed-throat.

Kathy looked at me sympathetically and took her ballet shoes.

"I'm going for breakfast. I'll see you in the training room. " She mumbled quietly and left the room.

I saw the door handle fell out of her hand, drafts caused by an open window, snatched it from her hand. My eyes widened because of what was coming.

Damn it...

The door closed with a loud, terrifying bang. In my head exploded hell. I squealed with tears in my eyes and grabbed my ears. My clothes fell to the floor at my feet. I stood there a minute, waiting until the pain subsided.

After a while, I began slowly to dress. I avoided the sun entering the room. I already had enough of this day. And that was only the beginning.

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