Chapter 7

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I didn't know how long I danced. For me, time had stopped. There was music flowing through my body, the rhythm synchronizing with the beat of my heart. Alcohol made it easier for me to focus solely on dance. I didn't register the changing of songs. The DJ efficiently mixed the songs. From time to time, my body touched a stranger's hand, but then told the owner to get off of me. I changed my place.

My heart was beating rather quickly because of the physical exertion. Sweat appeared on my inflamed skin. The club felt stuffy; it was underground and there were no windows. The air-conditioning was inadequate. Hundreds of bodies moved with me to the same bit, like in a trance. It was a wonderful feeling - I loved it.

Then there appeared a remix of a famous song. I sang out loud until my throat felt hurt, and I could tell that the people around me were doing the same.

I walked into the bar every once in a while to have a drink. I was hellishly thirsty. I didn't drink whiskey. I was drunk enough, and there was a chance that I'd pass-out. But I wasn't worried.

My legs tangled, when I went from the bar to the dance floor once again. I didn't count how many drinks I drank, certainly enough to get my wallet severely affected whenever I pay them before leaving the club. I should pay immediately after the departure of the bar, but my bag was with the bartender. He knew that I didn't get away from him.

On the dance floor again I started to move to the beat of the booming bass. I was getting harder to maintain balance and not fall over, so I tried to dance as in place and stable. What wasn't difficult given the mass of the people around me, and advancing on me from all sides.

Suddenly I felt someone's hands on my thighs, moved up toward my waist. Someone's chest clung to my back. I stiffened and tried to push away from each other intrusive guy. There was nothing worse than a drunk, pushy man. I was pushing him when he grabbed my waist tighter and began to pull off dance floor toward the wall. I started kicking and screaming Italian curses and mixed them with English curses.

I will not give up without a fight!

„ Calm down, damn it, because soon you'll grab my eyes!"

I heard close to my ear and immediately calmed down.

It was just a Sheridan. The annoying Sheridan. However, at least not any potential rapist or killer.

While walking my legs tangled beneath me, because I had serious problems with balance. I stepped on his foot. He was lucky, I had shoes without heels.

„ How was the tryst? „ Mumbled once again trampling my sandals on his feet.

It wasn't that I did it on purpose. No control over their movements. Even so, I was glad that I was a little trampled him. I could honestly blame it on intoxication. And the way to get revenge for his rudeness.

„ Bloody hell ... Be careful how you go " He hissed in pain.

He really must have pissed off because he grabbed me tighter around the waist and lifted. He carried me off the dance floor through the crowd of dancing people. He put me just right next to the stairs leading to the exit door. At that point, outside a club room, the music was quieter, subdued by thick walls calming sound. There was a light dim, but it wasn't as dark as on the dance floor. There was also much cooler, which was enjoyable.

Shortly after Sheridan without warning put me down, I lost my balance. If he had not caught me, that's for sure I'd be toppled. I don't know why I started giggling because of this. I lifted my head and looked at the man who held me. His clothes were slightly rumpled, shirt buttons buttoned wrong. His hair was matted. On his neck was the visible trace of lipstick. Apparently, the meeting with a sexy bisexual girl was successful.

Dance, Sing, Love. Book 1 (english)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora