Chapter 6

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 I walked behind James to the club and I muttered silent curses, so no one could hear me. We didn't have to wait and pass the bouncers, of course. Immediately after crossing the threshold, we descended to the underground and I heard the chorus of "Cake By The Ocean" DNCE. It was a remix. The original is definitely not suitable for a club vibe. I immediately noticed it that techno ruled this club. Heavy bass marked the rhythm. I involuntarily began to hum, my fingers hitting the rhythm of my thigh, as I followed Sheridan and his bodyguards.

Hundreds of bodies brushed against each other moving to the music. I could feel the vibration in my body. I felt the call of music, even though I was tired. My legs still hurt, but I stopped to paying attention to it.

The air smelled of alcohol and smoke from the DJ console. It contained caffeine and other stimulant compounds, as far as I knew, and I usually avoided dancing in that place. On the ceiling flashed white from time to time, a blinding light per second. I narrowed my eyes slightly and kept going forward. After a while, I realized that Sheridan headed toward the bar. I rolled my eyes, exasperated. Well, he is going back to get drunk. And then during training, I would have to endure his humor after a hangover. Not only me but the rest of the team as well. In fact, only Miranda would be safe.

I thought about the choreographer and I felt a growing anger. Not for her, but for Sheridan. Because he could get reprimanded, at best. I knew it. Miranda didn't tolerate dancers hung over or not in the form. In the end, damn it, I was here at work.

Somehow I wasn't convinced that the excuse that James used to force me to a party, would convince her of my innocence. The music changed, and I knew the song well that came on, AC / DC "Thunderstruck" Crookers remix version. Many times I had danced to it, because it was one of the training tracks Miranda used. She loved to invent complicated, demanding choreography for training. She didn't want us to lose form. Sheridan stopped at the bar. There was a lot of people there, including a fair-haired man in a leather jacket and a dark-haired girl in a tight, blood red sleeveless dress. She leaned against the counter, sipping a mojito with straw. I clenched my fists, because I knew what was going to happen. And I was right. Sheridan went to the brown-haired beauty. But she didn't know any language other than Italian. I guessed that, because of my boss who I hated. He called me over with a gesture. I gritted my teeth and walked over to them. I have to stop doing that because causes dental problems, I admonished myself.

"Introduce me," Sheridan told me, then nodded toward the unknown girl.

She was really pretty. She had big, almost black eyes. Quite heavy makeup which emphasized her delicate facial features and full lips. She tilted her head slightly to the side, her dark hair flowed loose over one shoulder. She stared at me curiously.

"Hello. This is Daniel," I said in Italian, calling him the name he used while incognito. "He doesn't know Italian, and he wanted me to translate."

The girl's scarlet mouth lifted in a slight smile, and she looked at Sheridan and her eyes immediately show their curiosity.

"My name is Desire," she said and sipped him a drink with a straw. She always looked at him. "Nice to meet you."

I translated her words into English. And then it began.

"Are you here alone?" James asked.

I translated his question. I sat next to them on a high swivel chair. My feet really hurt. The music was damn loud and I had to almost yell to hear what I told them. They also had to raise their voices.

"Yes," Desire nodded his head affirmatively and finished her drink. "I want to have some fun and relax after work."

"Let me keep you company, and I will buy another drink. Such a beautiful woman like you shouldn't drink alone. It should be banned." He said in a low, seductive voice and moved closer to her, his fingers brushed her exposed shoulder.

Dance, Sing, Love. Book 1 (english)Where stories live. Discover now