I woke up, Stretching. i looked around, where was I? I was in a giant fish tank (yey) but.. was it a cabin...? There were things like deer antlers hung on the wall. A-and... a m-mermaid tail? i made sure I still had my tail..

I was so afraid, why was I alive..Why was I here. Most hunters only wanted one of every species. Or... was this hunter..

"I need to get out of here... but I can't get out of here, I'm going to die here!"I said to myself. "i'm going to die here, sheesh kid you need to stop!'i heard, Bill was sitting on a chair by the fireplace. I didn't reply. "Are you gonna shut up?"He rose an eyebrow. I still didn't reply. "thats what I thought''he said, his phone ringing.

He didn't answer it.

''aren't you g-going to answer that"I spoke up, he stood up and walked in front of me, leaning against my tank. "did I ask you to talk?"he asked. I shook my head no. "and did I ask you to question my choices?"He said, his face inches from mine. I shook my head no again. ''than don't"He said, walking back to his seat.

I dove underwater and sat down, crossing my arms and putting my head down. As I stared at the corner, I noticed a leak, Water slowly dripping out. Eventually..there would be no more water.

There was a knock at the door, I was close enough to the door to open it. There was a man standing there. his hair was blue. It was really pretty.

"B-Bill the wolf got away again"The man walked to Bill. "again! Really Will..'"Bill groaned. "Goddammit. Well... Go find her"he looked at will. "wh-what?"Will scrunched his face up. "did I stutter? FIND HER"Bill yelled, Will sighed and walked to my tank. "why i-s this one alive?"he looked into my eyes.

I looked at him, And I had to do something. I touched his hair. "how's it blue?"I tilted my head. he giggled. ''just go will!"bill said. "bu-"Bill got up and pushed Will outside, slamming the door. "you really need to make better decisions"He glared at me.

I bit my lip and dove underwater once again. The crack that was leaking got bigger...

"what..are you afraid"He kneeled down so I had to look at him. ''i'm n-not afraid.."I said. "of you at least.."I looked at the crack again, which was slowly getting bigger. Was it going to shatter?

He rolled his eyes and walked to the door. "don't do anything stupid"He said before walking outside. I sighed and stared at nothing again. I had literally nothing to do.


I heard the clock. It was 4:30 pm.


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