Burning Hearts: Thirteen

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When I awoke the next morning, I didn't open my eyes straight away. I think that I secretly hoped I'd fall back asleep, drifting into the peaceful, quiet nothingness that enveloped me when I drifted under, but quickly realized that I was too awake now to fall back asleep. Slowly, I peeled my eyes lids open, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the gray light flooding the lounge room. Last night I must have fallen asleep on the couch without realizing it.

I groaned, stretching out my arms and legs as I let the blanket fall off me. I shifted on the couch, sitting up with a yawn, as I looked around the room. My eyes landed on the wall clock, and I nearly fell off the couch when I realized it was ten a.m. School had started an hour ago! Before I could climb to my feet, Susan walked around the corning, coming out from the kitchen. She leaned against the far wall, folding her arms as her gaze landed on me.

"I-school!" was all I could get out.

She nodded. "Stay there. I already took Libby and Tash. Thought you could use the day off."

"Oh," I managed, relaxing a little. "Thanks."

"But," she said quickly, straightening up. "Don't get too comfortable. I need your help with housework."

I sighed, but nodded. The woman had taken me in, fed and cared for me so that I didn't have to move away. She also had the power to send me with my suitcase to France, so I figured the least I could do was give her a hand with the housework.

"Go have a shower, freshen up. I'll cook you some eggs, and then we can get started," she disappeared around the corner before I could reply.

Getting to my feet, my legs gave a creak as they straightened out. I hobbled my way up the stairs and to Libby and I's room. When I got there, I just stood and looked at myself in the mirror of our cupboard door for a minute. My dark hair, usually soft and wavy was all matted and looked like a birds nest. My face was red and blotchy and my eyes had big, dark circles under them. My eyebrows were in good need of a wax, my clothes in good need of an iron and I could tell my stomach was finding it hard to cope all the chocolate and ice-cream I'd been eating lately to 'help soothe my heart'.

With a sigh, I opened the cupboard door for a while, sifting through all of my clothes until I came across my pair of dark jeans, and a loose cropped t-shirt. I grabbed my pair of light brown ugg boots and matching-coloured beanie- printed with little black snowflakes, and walked into the bathroom across the hall. Shutting and locking the door behind me, I stripped off my clothes and hopped in the shower, letting the warm water run over my body.

Next, I gave myself twenty minutes of beauty time. I washed and blow dried my hair, I shaved my legs, I waxed my eyebrows, gave myself a face wash and painted my nails, before dressing in my clothes and slipping on my ugg boots. Staring in my reflection, I felt better. I finally looked like, well, me again. And it felt good.

Taking a deep breath, I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Susan was laying a plate of English muffins with bacon and eggs on the table for me, as well as a juice. She looked up, giving me a small smile and gesturing to the food. "All yours."

"Thank you," I said, seating myself at the table and tucking into the meal. I let the warm, rich, gooey eggs melt in my mouth as I ate, smiling the whole time. "This is great," I said, slowly looking up. Startled, I see Susan watching me. I put a last mouthful in my mouth and look up at her confused. "I-"

"I know you and Sapphire are in a rough spot at the moment," she cut me off, propping her elbows up on the table. "And I'm not surprised. The two of you live together- practically see each other every minute of the day. You were bound to get sick of each other eventually."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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