Burning Hearts: Ten

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"I think something has happened," I started. "Things seem to have gotten worse."

Beside me, Tash's mind was reeling as we sat inside at the dining room table, sipping Susan's yummy home-made hot chocolates. The heater was on inside, luckily, and all of outside was coated in a thick blanket of snow. I didn't really like the snow- it was summer I preferred. In summer you could play sports and swim, but in winter you had to sit inside and do absolutley nothing.

"Oh dear," Tash shook her head and took a sip at her hot chocolate. "This is not good."

"I know, they are becoming even more awkward to live with." I already disliked sharing a room with my sister- she just had to go ahead and make it worse by being all miserable and listening to sad music all the time. It sucked- it really did.

"But... we can't really do anything about it, can we?" Tash sighed and started writing in a book- doing her homework. I'd already finished all mine so that I didn't have to do it later.

"Guess not," I said, biting my lip. "Wait, she has been hanging out with that Tyson guy lately! She seems to trust him!"

"And...?" Tash said, looking up from her homework curiously.

"Maybe we can get him to do something about it."

Tash puckered her lips. "I think you might be onto something there, friend."

"Best friend," I corrected her, making the both of us laugh. Hopefully we could figure out some sort of plan that would turn out at least half decent...


"You did the right thing, telling her," Tyson said, trying to reassure me. In the past couple of days, Tyson and I had gotten talking again, and realized that the two of us hadn't changed a bit, apart from the fact that Tyson had a deeper voice than before, which is why I didn't recognise him. We'd grown close again, which is what I needed- a friend, having blown Sapphire off...

"You think so? I was a little harsh..."

"Well," he started.  "The message probably got through better."

"Yeah but now I don't have a chance with Eric, do I?"

Tyson sighed and shook his head. "That doesn't matter. You're too good for him anyway."

I laughed dryly. "Right." Eric was one of the most attractive, friendliest guys in school. It would be more like him being too good for me. At the Cafe Cafe- that's what the cafe we were at was called- the heating was turned right up, and I was beginning to get some feeling back into my toes which must have been a good sign. Tyson and I were squished comfortably on the one booth seat beside the window. It was really nice to be able to just sit with him and relax, try to get my mind off reality. Outside the snow was piling up and everything was still fairly dark. The cafe was just down the road from home, so it was a short walk, luckily.

 The waitress, dressed in long dark pants and a matching button up, collared shirt,  soon came around with our warm tea's and gently placed them in front of us. They smelt so good, I pulled away from Tyson so quickly to slurp at it, that I burnt my tongue. "Oh, be careful hon, it's hot," the waitress warned. Thanks... I thought, rolling my throbbing tongue around in my mouth.Beside me, Tyson chuckled and shook his head, slowly stirring some sugar into his tea. He took the slow, smart attempt, and didn't burn his tongue on the way.

I wrapped my fingers around the warm mug, which had cute little butterfly prints all over it and took another small sip, burning my tongue yet again, and cursing under my breath.

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