Burning Hearts: Nine

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 Usually you can tell the difference between dreams and reality, right? Diving down to the depths of the ocean with Ariel is only a figment of the imagination. Living in a house made entirely of chocolate is something that only happens in dreams, right? How about being swept off your feet by the boy of your dreams?

The moment Eric walked over to me the morning after the snow came, I knew something was up. We hadn’t talked for a while, and as he wandered towards me, leaving footprints in the deep snow, he had a very calm face, which was unusual for him. Usually when I saw Eric he was either smiling madly, meaning he was having a good day, or he had his head down gloomily, meaning he was late to his classes and was in a bad mood. The calmness he had was making me feel uncomfortable. Then, when he was a few feet away, he moved faster and pulled me into his arms, literally sweeping me off my feet.

Then what I thought was impossible became possible. He started to talk about how much fun he had had making the movie, and how much he liked me. I was going into a dream world, and I actually pinched myself to check it was real.

“What I’m trying to say, Sapphy, is… um… willyougooutwithme?" The last part came out rushed, but I knew what he meant.

So as to still look cool, I told him I’d think about it, but I couldn't take it when his face turned down, so I turned his frown upside down, and said “Yes, yes a million times,” and kissed him on the cheek, then ran off, leaving him smiling.

I went straight to Raie in a beeline, but stopped dead in my tracks when I remembered we weren’t friends any more, and went to my right, where Cassie and the others were waiting. I pretended to be happy, and told all the girls what had happened, but on the inside, the person I wanted to talk to, even more than Eric, at that moment was Raie.

I trailed off into thoughts about old times.

“Welcome to Geek to Chique Makeovers! I’m your host, Sapphire Davies, and here today we have Raie ‘Nerdster’ Griffin who is in desperate need of a makeover. Raie is captain of the chess team, loves to play croquet with her Gramps and is a straight A+ student. Please welcome… Raie,” I announced as the host of Raie and I’s favourite game; makeovers.

Raie walked out onto our ‘stage’ wearing glasses from the thrift store, with smashed lenses, a splattered old paint shirt and socks with flip-flops. The audience- Libby and Tash- applauded and we began. I pulled off Raie’s glasses, and spun the classic line ‘wow, you have really beautiful eyes, you must have never noticed with those glasses’, then put her in some nice clothes and my Mothers best pointy heels. ‘Suddenly’ she was a ‘different person’ and we played the game again and again, never getting bored of it.

“We wanna play, please, please can we?” asked Libby and Tash simultaneously in their 6-year-old voices. We were too cool for them though, so we walked down the street with our face covered in makeup done so badly, we looked like clowns, hobbling in heels. We waved to Billy, my cute neighbor, who was eleven, and he waved back which made us feel really important, since he was two years older.

“Dibs!” I called to Raie who was sitting there admiring him, and she looked over at me and just laughed, like she always did when I called it, since the boys I called it on were usually way out of my reach. She turned back around, so I crept up behind her and jumped on her, securing her under me, and tickling her until she couldn't breathe, then I got up and ran away as fast as I could, but Raie was faster, she always had been and soon enough she had jabbed me in the ribs and was running ahead, carrying the heels.

That night she slept over and we watched lots of scary movies which Tash and Libby were too young to watch. We had a great time, like we always did.

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