Kidou cursed as the werewolf pounced towards them once more. He tried swiping at the beast with the knife he had but it had absolutely no effect on the werewolf. 'Shit. We need silver weapons..!'

Frantically, he grabbed the nearest heavy item he could get his hands on and brought it down to the beast's head. To his luck, it was a fire extinguisher. Gardass stumbled backwards and growled, temporarily stunned. Fubuki took the chance and quickly ran forward jumping onto it and stabbing into Gardass' right eye repeatedly with a bayonet made out of silver. Gardass let out a howl of agony.

"Kidou!" Gouenji threw him a handgun which he caught gratefully. He checked it to find it was fully loaded with silver bullets.

"Arigatou (Thanks)!" Kidou exclaimed with a smug expression and loaded it before taking aim. Fubuki gave a last twist into Gardass' eyes before retrieving his bayonet jumping off. Gardass instantly turned and slashed at the direction Fubuki jumped off but missed.


The sound of bullets firing resonated through the place as the bullets lodged itself deep into Gardass' flesh. The beast went into a frenzy, his eyes wild in pain and hunger to spill blood.

"Gouenji, Someoka, we'll take things from here. You can reach the basement from the stairs next to the lift. You guys go!" Fubuki exclaimed. The two were hesitant. "I said GO!!"

The two fled. "YOU THINK I'D LET YOU--?!" Gardass bellowed.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere," Fubuki blocked Gardass' path with a icy cold glare. Endou charged and pushed him to the ground. He tried slamming Gardass's head onto the ground but Gardass picked him off his body and threw him aside like a rag doll. Gardass got to his feet.

Kidou got closer to Gardass and fired a few more bullets. Gardass howled some more. A tiny glimmer of hope started to rise in their chest, expanding as they continued to fight against the leader of the wolf pack.

Fubuki swiftly made cuts around Gardass' body, especially around his joints while Kidou fired bullets again and again. One of the bullets hit Gardass' joints. Fubuki smirked and gave it a strong blow with a kick. He felt the entire joint snapping as the large body fell onto one knew. It felt... Great. Slippery wet blood covered his leg. The whole thing seemed surreal... They were really doing it...!



Gardass had suddenly turned and landed a strike on Fubuki's chest, leaving 4 nasty claw marks on his chest. He gasped as he felt his wounds reopening again. Splotches of red seeps through his clothing as he stumbled backwards. Dark spots danced at his vision as he was swiped to the side.

"Fubuki!" Kidou exclaimed but 'tched' as Gardass turned to face Endou. Gardass grabbed Endou by the leg and held him up. A sickening crack resounded in the room and Endou shrieked in pain.

"Gaahh...!" Endou's leg bent in an odd angle. Gardass turned him around and started to put his buff, furry arms around Endou's neck. Kidou's eyes widened. He had to do something...! All he had was fire extinguisher. That's it.. A fire extinguisher!

Kidou quickly pulled out the safety pin and aimed the nozel at Gardass. One, two, three...!

Gardass was blinded by the sudden spray. Kidou took the chance and slammed the whole can onto Gardass' arm. The sudden impact caused him to loosen his grip. Endou fell to the ground with a thump. Kidou glanced around the corner of the room to see Fubuki breathing heavily against the wall, eyes hidden underneath his bangs. Blood was pooling underneath him and that was not a good sign.

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